Where are the female Audiophiles?

Based on my limited experience, I would guess that 98% of Audiophiles are male. But 51% of our population is female. What gives?

In this age where females and males are equally represented in Universities and in the Professions, why is this still true?

I would guess that it is a cultural thing, can't be genetic can it?
Is it different in other parts of the World?
Why hasn't "Elizabeth" weighed in on this one? She's usually got something to say.
In all my 150+ dealings here on the gon - I had only one (1) woman call me & she wound up buying (a local pick up) my Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 6's about 3 years ago.
I do consider my wife a "audiophillette" as she really loves the sound of my 2 channel rig, but prefers our HT set up as she & the rest of the world are not allowed to touch my personal system.
Liking music and being an audiophile are not necessarily the same thing. Of course, women like music just like men. It's the "techie" side of the hobby that they are not attracted to. And this is an important part of the hobby for many men. Many women aren't interested in it for the same reason that they are not interested in car mechanics, plumbing or engineering. It's a broader societal issue involving related topics such as occupational and gender stereotyping which is taught from infancy. Then throw in a little bit of genetic hard wiring, although the extent and the way this modifies things is unknown. There are not a lot of female audiophiles for the same reason that there are not a lot of male secretaries. And by the way, when was the last time you guys bought a pink outfit for your baby boy or enrolled him in ballet class?
I think it must be genetic, with the allele on the sex defining chromosone. It is likely the loss of a suppresor protein which exists as a homozygote in the XX female vs. the Male XY. It is obviously only expressed if homozygote. This being entirely speculative and therefore it could in fact be the inverse i.e. the gene is a promoter that must be on the Y chromosone.
In my case it is probably simply doing what my Father did.
My sister and wife are very talented musicians. Both listen to music but don't care about the equipment other than WAF. My wife listens to my secondary rig which is in my living room fairly frequently but at 60 db. She usually gets P.O.ed with my 80 +/- Db volume preference.
It's amazing how many other things my wife can find to do when I'm trying to explain why an external DAC is essential. Merry Christmas to all!