Where are the female Audiophiles?

Based on my limited experience, I would guess that 98% of Audiophiles are male. But 51% of our population is female. What gives?

In this age where females and males are equally represented in Universities and in the Professions, why is this still true?

I would guess that it is a cultural thing, can't be genetic can it?
Is it different in other parts of the World?
It's amazing how many other things my wife can find to do when I'm trying to explain why an external DAC is essential. Merry Christmas to all!
Back to the car dealerships - women cite hating the entire car dealership experience. It's the biggest problem the car mfgrs have since guess what, women influence/decide almost all high ticket family decisions... and also have plenty of discretionary income of their own.

It may also be that guys get their own money to spend as they want and comes time to buy audio they don't want to go through the whole process with their mate. In other words they only want approval and admiration after the purchase.

It may be (as in my case) that my mate could care less about the technology (though she is very technical) and only cares about the music.

Finally I think it is a lot easier for a retail sales guy to pressure a guy then a woman or a couple... A guy is wired to believe in snake oil and gold mines and let's face it is more likely to buy the bridge...
"Your woman, in the meantime, will make the phone calls, go shopping with friends, eat chocolate, try to get your attention (!), or, if she's still in the room, she'll likely want to dance and move to the music rather than just sitting and listening."

"Women collect shoes and your $$$ :) !!!!!"

I'm sure that if the 2 men who wrote the above responses knew how shallow and misogynist there remarks are, they'de say I was being too sensitive.

I am female, and an audiophile. I love chocolate (the good dark stuff only please). Shoes? I'm a sucker for them, just like I am for a good power cord. Oh, and I went shopping for a leather jacket the other day. What a rush that was!! And what a beautiful jacket it is.

Why aren't there more female audiophiles? I coulnd't say.

As for Pzuckerman' survey. Opposites attract.



Go figure.

Oh, and sometimes I do get up from my sweet spot and dance to the music.

"Shoes? I'm a sucker for them, just like I am for a good power cord. "

You killed me with that line! Thanks for the chuckle!
My wife says:

"Women are more into the emotional realm, the source doesn't matter as much as the content. The sound quality is not as important as the music itself. Changing cables and playing with "lego" like you guys like to do, doesn't turn women on. In this regard, women tend to be more passive when it comes to music and when they happen to hear something they like, the playback quality is not the first thing they think about."