I hope this clarifies it somewhat. If not, message me and I'll try to provide greater focus since I'm the OP. Anyone else, please jump in....
Over 125MM Ipods have been sold in the last 6 years. Stop and think about that for a minute.. How many turntables, high end CD player or transports in that time? Every Ipod is hooked up to a computer. They have the potential to stream this music all over the house. And, lossless digital codecs have been available for FOR 5 YEARS NOW!!!
BUT the industry as a whole still treats all digitally stored media with disdain like it is nothing more than crappy 128k MP3 files.
The potential for streaming high quality playback exists throughout the home, but the industry has ignored it.
Mass market products from $500 AVR's on up have built-in DAC's and some even have built-in wifi.
But all the mainstream hifi industry does to capitalize on this is to sell $1-200 proprietary Ipod docks and keep its head in the sand.
They could build DAC's into integrated amps but only Naim and Bryston do it (Bryston as an option). They could build them into preamps but who does? They could build them into receivers but Music Hall and Outlaw are the only ones in the game.
The industry is not in great shape and it's easy to see why. They have lost sight of the customer.
Over 125MM Ipods have been sold in the last 6 years. Stop and think about that for a minute.. How many turntables, high end CD player or transports in that time? Every Ipod is hooked up to a computer. They have the potential to stream this music all over the house. And, lossless digital codecs have been available for FOR 5 YEARS NOW!!!
BUT the industry as a whole still treats all digitally stored media with disdain like it is nothing more than crappy 128k MP3 files.
The potential for streaming high quality playback exists throughout the home, but the industry has ignored it.
Mass market products from $500 AVR's on up have built-in DAC's and some even have built-in wifi.
But all the mainstream hifi industry does to capitalize on this is to sell $1-200 proprietary Ipod docks and keep its head in the sand.
They could build DAC's into integrated amps but only Naim and Bryston do it (Bryston as an option). They could build them into preamps but who does? They could build them into receivers but Music Hall and Outlaw are the only ones in the game.
The industry is not in great shape and it's easy to see why. They have lost sight of the customer.