Advice / Counsel re: Upgading System

I would like to upgade my system to the next level, but don't have much direction as to what to do next. I live in a rural area with no high end audio dealers near. Current system is all Adcom; GFA5800 amp, GFP750 preamp, CGD750 CD and B&W 801 S2 Anniversary speakers. I love the sound, but want to go to the next level. Wondering about Levinson, Krell, AudioResearch, or ?? but would be acquiring pre-owned, not new. Any advice, things to consider, etc. appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Going to need a minimum of 14500 to make a worthwhile difference.Thats after you sell off for say 3500 what you have IMHO.Are you ready?Bob
I assumed a $10-15K investment. Small room now, about 15x15. Eclectic taste in music, but lots of jazz, some classical and some 60's rock. Prefer solid state. Actually, I love my 801's and it would take something special to get me to part with them. But I'm open to new ideas.