crooked speaker stands?


Kind of a nit-pic concern here. I recently bought and put together some new Atlantis speaker stands. They feel solid and strong, especially after I sand-filled them. They are 21" two-pole design.

My concern is... if I look down on the top plate where the speakers rest and compare the edges of that square to the edges of the floor base, they are not flush. One stand is off more than the other.

I put them together well I think and can't think of anything I could have done wrong or should change in how I assembled them.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Hmm... but there are two poles secured by a screw at the top and base plate... if I just torqued it over, it seems like I would be forcing something and breaking... something, although I dont know what.... doesn't it?

So this isn't uncommon for $200 stands?
With only two mounting points, its very easy to have the assembly/alignment slightly off. It shouldn't be a problem to tweak it just a bit. If you are concerned, simply loosen the screws a bit befor tweaking it. The is likely a bit of room for adjustment in the screw/plate/post connection.
Hmm... So it sounds like it's not a defect in the stand that its a little off and that it wont affect performance at all... i.e. it's a pretty normal happening... right?

If that's the case than I just assume leave it... I was just worried they were defective or I put them together wrong somehow.
If the top plate is level, but it is just cocked 5-10 degrees out of true with the bottom plate, it's likely just a minor assembly problem. Again, I would suggest loosening the screws and trying to turn the top plate to the correct position, then retighten. However, if the top plate is level and everything feels solid and stable, you could just leave it.
The root of the problem has been described well by others already.Your top plate is not lining up on the vertical with the bottom plate.Something is off.I believe the machining must be poor on this design .But you can fix it with the help of a big square ,or easier make a jig byt puting together two plywoods that form an "L" shape and they form a true 90 degree angle.Then put your stand in there on it's side and make apropiate adjustments,until both
plates touch the plywoods.When they erect buildings they could easily run into same problem but they don't ,right?