Advice needed building a system over time???

I'm new to AudiogoN, but happy to have found it. Long back, I got a taste for HiFi, but then had a very long hiatus. Always dreamt of the killer system, but other priorities reared their heads. About 7 years ago I bought some gear to drive the speakers in the ceiling throughout my house, without too much concern. Ended up with ROTEL separates which I even used to watch TV, again with the speakers that were in the cieling. Finally got a 5.1 home theater system which satisfies my needs using an integrated amp and MK speakers - I consider watching a movie a passive listening event and if it sounds pretty good I'm happy. It does.

So I had these ROTEL parts sitting around and decided to buy some speakers for them, to dedicate a room for active listening. At first the room was going to be a small space ~14 x 14, so I thought some stand mounted speakers would be best for that small space. I purchased some Usher BE718's that I thought sounded great. Apparently many reviewers have thought the same. My thoughts were to get a good sounding speaker at a reasonable price, then build up my components around them, finally getting something along the lines of Wilson Sophia 2s or Watt/Puppys.

Maybe not the best logic in system design. The room, however, changed. The acoustics in that room were not good, and the WAF (wife acceptance factor) limited anything I could do in terms of acoustic treatments, so I moved my audio room to a "bonus" room that is roughly 17 x 23. The Ushers still sound great the bigger room can handle more volume which seems to make the speakers even better.

Given I have a ROTEL pre- and power amp, with a ROTEL 5 CD changer, what would you all recommend as the first piece to invest in when moving to class-A or reference components.

Buy the way, long back I had an Audio Research tube pre-amp mated to a GAS "Son of Ampzilla" and I see ARC is alive and well (though recently acquired). Their gear seems to get tremendous reviews and I have a soft-spot for ARC. I plan to audition the Ref CD player and Pre-amp soon. I've also heard some great SS gear like Parasound HALO amp, T&A gear too. I listen to classical (my great great uncle was Antonin Dvorak) and a little bit of rock, Dylan, Mark Knopfler, Van Morrison, Norah Jones - broad range but no HipHop, metal, etc. I like musical sounds and sweet sounding vocals. I tend to dislike jazz when it gets too wierd.

So where would you spend your first upgrade $$ ???
Room treatments. Tweaked to make the sound 'best with current equipment'. Then start equipment changes.
Dvorak was your great great uncle?! How cool! He's my favorite composer.

I agree with the above comment that room treatment might be your best bang for the buck. Or, even simpler, spend some time optimizing your speaker positions. You might be amazed how much of a difference this can make.

I'll divide possible considerations into 3 categories:
1) Room-speaker interaction
2) Speaker-amp interaction
3) Source/preamp interaction

What is wrong with your present system? If it sounds good, then why mess with it? If you're missing in dynamics at higher volumes or the sound becomes congested, then you might consider a different amp or a different speaker.

On the other hand, if the system sounds boomy, then you should look into the room and speakers.

And if you're lacking in detail or soundstaging, then you might look into the source and/or preamp.

It's a vague answer for a vague question, I know, but there are just so many variables involved.

From simply looking at your component list, I would guess that the Rotel 5-CD changer is probably your weak link. You might want to start there, and perhaps consider getting a separate DAC, since this would help if you eventually move to computer-based audio.

From some of the components you've indicated an interest in, I gather that your budget is fairly high. Although Rotel won't be on anyone's list as a top-dollar, elite product, their products tend to be solid and good value. I'd make sure there's something about them that you're not happy with before investing megabucks trying to solve it.

Just my 2 cents.

Forget the components for 5 minutes and evaluate your listening room. Then consider:

Two or four dedicated 20 amp circuits using either (PS Auido Power Ports, Shunyata SR-Z1 or Oyaide R1s) AC outlets

Double check grounding and line noise from the main electrical panel and determine if you can add sub panel for the listening room

This was by far the smartest decision I've made. The cost was around $300 plus adding two 20 amp lines from my main panel. I did not add a sub panel.