Equipment: To Hide or not to Hide

I am lost between hiding my equipment into a side room or keep it in the open on racks. I know that this is a personal matter. I enjoy looking at my equipment while listening to music. Looking into all the photos of virtual systems make me want to keep them in the open. I am interested in knowing from both camps about their experiences.

I tried hiding my speakers in the basement, but I had to turn them up really loud to even hear them upstairs. So they're out in the open now. Everything else is behind doors in a cabinet. I like to look at it but find it a bit distracting when I'm listening to music, and overall a bit cluttered looking (as in my system pics which are way outdated). My wife, on the other hand, definitely does not like to look at it and I do consider that since we do share the house together. I don't find any of it particularly appealing to look at...except for my SET amps, which I do enjoy looking at. The other stuff just looks like so many metal boxes. I get as much pleasure staring at a microwave oven.
Well how large a room is would be a big deal for me, I have my rack in my room but most of my music is kept on wall outside room so it doesnt close in on me too quick. I am now in my own room SO doesnt care about how it looks as I am in a pit in basement but I like to see the rack and gear.
To me hiding equipment is more of an HT thing where WAF even dictates pretty little or built in speakers.
Staying on the same topic, How are you guys managing the dust collection on the equipment? I am covering my my equipment with a large bed sheet. Do you just use swiffer or something else, please advise.

I'd hide everything if I could. Unfortunately remote controls and heat from tubes makes that difficult. I'd even hide my speakers if I could. I hate to admit to the unwashed that I so enjoy such an arcane hobby. :-) Besides I find all of that stuff visually distracting when I really just want to hear music. For some unexplicable reason though, I do like to display my music along with books in my shelving systems. Go figure.......

I use a soft cloth, similar to that which I use for cleaning glass lenses (cameras or eye), to dust my stuff.
I find equipment between the loudspeakers distracting, almost as much as a blank TV screen. When my gear was between the speakers and included a big McIntosh amp, I found myself putting the record album cover in front of the amp so I wouldn't have to look at the meters, especially when the room was dimly lit.

Aesthetically, I find it much less overwhelming with the speakers placed separately. There's also a little more flexibility with fine-tuning the speaker placement.

All in all, I listening to my system more when I don't have to look at the pile of gear.