More shipping damage again?

Last two items I have shipped FedEx have been dammaged. The first one was a pair of montors in original box. This time I shipped a beautiful subwoofer but first re-enforced the foam inside box, then put it in a larger box which I also foamed with several layers.. The sub still shows up with bashed in corners. Geeeez , I am sick.
I have had the best and cheapest results with FedEx Ground. This doesn't mean they are infallible, however. Also, for lighter items, I have had great luck with the USPS.
I have an account at a local UPS Store and they recommend shipping anything of value or fragile via overnight and/or 2nd day rather than regular ground for the simple reason that a regular ground package is handled and loaded/unloaded, etc. much more than a overnight or 2nd day package. Reportedly, the average package on a coast to coast trip may be handled by as many as 100 workers, whereas that number reporteldy drops to about 15 workers when sent overnight/2nd day.

As to the choice of FedEx or UPS, I have never (knock on wood) had a damaged delivery with either and I've shipped a LOT of stuff over the years. However, I usually ship UPS for the simple reason that the proprietor of another local shipping store I sometimes use that services both FedEx and UPS claims that in more than 5 years he has never had FedEx pay a damage claim, whereas UPS pays claims regularly (although they may make you jump through hoops). Apparently, FedEx uses a third party claims handler whereas UPS handles claims in house. Again, I have no personal experience here so YMMV, etc.
I have had more problems with claims with UPS and once took them to small claims court, where I found businesses are always right. My FedEx claims have always been handled by someone at their telephone number, but a third party inspector came out and took my information and pictures. I average about one claim each year and perhaps make twenty shipments in that time.

I would never use a UPS store as they are flatout incompetent. They assume that a big enough box and lots of peanuts done by their minimum wage employees means "professionally packed."
I would never use a UPS store as they are flatout incompetent. They assume that a big enough box and lots of peanuts done by their minimum wage employees means "professionally packed."

I believe that's an overly broad statement. The UPS Store I use is locally owned (franchised) and I've known the owners for several years. I've had nothing but good experiences.
Never had a problem using FedEx. UPS (Unlimited Package Smashing) has delivered packages that were so smashed pieces were missing. Mostly from poor packaging by the sender. UPS did refund each time, but as mentioned above, many hoops to jump through. I received a set of JBL speakers smashed by UPS just after Christmas. I was informed by the seller just yesterday that he received the refund from them, and was sending it my way. They even refunded the shipping costs-a total refund!
I initiated the claim by calling UPS. Nothing transpired. Called again. This time they said the seller had to initiate. Emailed the seller, he called them. Nothing transpired. He went to the UPS Store where he sent them from, and they got the ball rolling there. It was less than 2 weeks later, and the claim was paid. I still like FedEx better than UPS.