Great systems in butt-ugly rooms

I know I'm not the only one thinking this, but there are
some ass ugly rooms housing some of these great systems.
We may have great ears, but we have no sense when it comes
to making our rooms look good, with a few exceptions, of course. Any comments?
As far as WAF goes, surely a man is happier if there is more often room to accomodate his gear, even when butt-ugly, rather than not.
Lest there be no confusion here - it is first and foremost about the music but when it is possible to enhance the music with "designer surroundings" (whatever that conjures up in your mind) it is a double whammy benefit. Can't afford the fancy room? - nobody cares - it's your excursion. If I sounded snobby a few posts ago - my apologies. Not intended at all. Just making the point that when the room is pleasing it just adds to the pleasure of the experience.
I think art work whether it be paintings or sculptures improves the looks of a room and gives the mind/eye another avenue of occupation. Real or artificial plants are always a plus viusally and sonically. Also the room will look better with more furniture than two speakers, a rack of equipment, and one chair. Book cases, record racks, storage/display niches and of course some artful lighting. Some of the photos of rooms I've seen make me glad I don't listen to music in that room. They are just so bland and boring.
Jorgeparrapuppy,one observation,early on this thread you mentioned that you can't show your system because you simply don't know how to use your wife's digital camera,later on the thread you tell us that many of your girlfriends come over your listening room for the obvious reasons and they like to light up your candles. I guess you must have a lot of "MAF" in your mancave.Come on give us the recipe how do you achieve this?