Is this when you have "arrived??"

Just had a guest leave my house after a quick early morning listening session.
Only 4 album sides, the last of them being Tales of Mystery and Imagination Alan Parsons.
Towards the end of the first part, he was making the couch shake. I looked over.

He was crying. (Not because his ears hurt)

He was ashamed. This is the second time this has happened to me, but the first time without "enhancements" being involved.

Have I arrived at true high end?
Ghosthouse, you "object"

What is it you object to?

I find it funny that there are a number of posts to the negative on this. Are you trying to suck the life out of others? Do you get angry if others feel joy?

You think a painter from the 1800's, when optometry may not have been as advanced as it is today, who finally got a pair of spectacles that allowed him to see his work clearly for the first time never shed a tear?
Someone hiking the Appalachian Trail who saw their first cloud cover dissipate to uncover a flawless valley with a herd of whitetails running below with a roaring stream in the distance, never shed a tear from the simple beauty of the moment?

You do not think a passage of music, truly heard clearly for the first time cannot produce this kind of emotion?

If you cannot understand how this can happen to someone, stop coming to this site, by a Bose Waveradio and take up beer can collecting.
The LP12 must surely be the most classic piece of hi-fi.Ever.
Music should always move the soul. Just imagine a live performance, you may require a mop and bucket. Nothing wrong with showing a bit of emotion.
Crying over Alan Parsons? I would gently slide further away from any guest and say in a Seinfeld voice "Good luck with all that."
Was your frined listening to "Break Down" and had to get back to the home before a community alert was posted?

I dunno if your system and room are good or not but it may very well be and thats fantastic but I suspect as others this guy has issues and maybe a bit lonely......could also be that he does not often sit and focus on just music and its message but good luck with your sleep over and please dont poste pics!
Gumbydammit, which Benz MC are you using? I have the Grado Ref. Sonata and was thinking of a posible change to MC. BTW, being brought to tears while listening to any music should not be considered embarassing. It happens to me every now and again, just depends on my mood. I can listen to the same piece one day, and feel all of the emotions swell up inside, and on another day, it's just another good track.
I almost cried when my daughter wanted to bake her cookies in my brand new DVD player. DVD survived that assault only because the cookie could not fit in the "oven".
My wife thought it was a tear of joy and comely laid her head on my shoulder while I almost fainted from blood pressure.