I have a Benz ACE, which replaced an old Grado XTZ. At the end, I was running a MCZ stylus in it though.
Honestly, I heard zero difference between the XTZ and the MCZ styli.
Huge soundstage, I will still give to the Grado. But that's all I'll give it.
The Benz has it all over the Grado in every other aspect. I am sure the cart you have is very different from my aged XTZ, but regardless, this Benz just gets the music right.
After hearing 2 and 3k MC's in front of 50k and higher systems, I was worried that a retail sub 700.00 MC would not be worth it.
WOW, was I wrong.
I am just blown away by it.
This has been one of the biggest sound improvements ever in my system. This has made more of a difference than going from planar3 to LP12.
I have a Benz ACE, which replaced an old Grado XTZ. At the end, I was running a MCZ stylus in it though.
Honestly, I heard zero difference between the XTZ and the MCZ styli.
Huge soundstage, I will still give to the Grado. But that's all I'll give it.
The Benz has it all over the Grado in every other aspect. I am sure the cart you have is very different from my aged XTZ, but regardless, this Benz just gets the music right.
After hearing 2 and 3k MC's in front of 50k and higher systems, I was worried that a retail sub 700.00 MC would not be worth it.
WOW, was I wrong.
I am just blown away by it.
This has been one of the biggest sound improvements ever in my system. This has made more of a difference than going from planar3 to LP12.