Is this when you have "arrived??"

Just had a guest leave my house after a quick early morning listening session.
Only 4 album sides, the last of them being Tales of Mystery and Imagination Alan Parsons.
Towards the end of the first part, he was making the couch shake. I looked over.

He was crying. (Not because his ears hurt)

He was ashamed. This is the second time this has happened to me, but the first time without "enhancements" being involved.

Have I arrived at true high end?
I have a Benz ACE, which replaced an old Grado XTZ. At the end, I was running a MCZ stylus in it though.
Honestly, I heard zero difference between the XTZ and the MCZ styli.

Huge soundstage, I will still give to the Grado. But that's all I'll give it.
The Benz has it all over the Grado in every other aspect. I am sure the cart you have is very different from my aged XTZ, but regardless, this Benz just gets the music right.
After hearing 2 and 3k MC's in front of 50k and higher systems, I was worried that a retail sub 700.00 MC would not be worth it.
WOW, was I wrong.
I am just blown away by it.
This has been one of the biggest sound improvements ever in my system. This has made more of a difference than going from planar3 to LP12.
I almost cried when my daughter wanted to bake her cookies in my brand new DVD player. DVD survived that assault only because the cookie could not fit in the "oven."
My wife thought it was a tear of joy and comely laid her head on my shoulder while I almost fainted from blood pressure.

Reminds me of the (joke) story of the family that refused to buy "sexist" toys for their two small children.

They purchased a hammer for the little girl and a male doll for the boy.

Later that evening they checked on the children to see how they were adjusting to their toys.

The boy had completely disassembled the doll, and the girl had put the hammer to bed, just it's head sticking from out from the covers.
Good one Albert. It's a nice story Gumbydammit! Whatever happened to the other "green man" around this place?