Why are all the Virtual Systems mega-assaults now?

I've noticed that more recently nearly all of the activity on the virtual systems is with really decked-out systems in lavish rooms with $50K speakers and electronics, cables, and single malt Scotch to match.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's nice to see how the upper crust live. But I've always viewed a strength of the virtual systems as showing how people have put together budget items with great synergy. What ever happened to the guys with the Adcom amp and PSB speakers posting about the continuing evolution of their systems? (Maybe they've updated to a spiffy room, speakers that require a forklift to position, MBL electronics, and cables that each cost more than my car.)

I guess Albert Porter's system gets a lot more traffic because people like discussing systems like that, but I really do miss seeing new "bang for the buck" units pop up on the virtual systems and admiring their ingenuity for putting it together.

Am I the only one who's a little disappointed with this?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsufentanil
Personally I'm not interested in lowfi or midfi as I have had lots of it.I like the best you can get eye-candy stuff.I really like the rooms themselves.....different strokes I guess....cheers,Bob
I wonder about this at times aswell, you would think more would champion us po' folks efforts but not too much traffic or comments come my or anyone else's way. At times I have either not entered any changes or thought twice about it because if nobody gives a sh*t then why bother? All the same I actually enjoy looking back at my systems progression........like my own little audio timeline.

While I admire the mega-buck systems, and envy the luxury of putting together a cost-no-object system, I have had to build my system using used, demo, (my Dynaudio Contour 5.4's were demos), and also had many of my components upgraded, some more than once. I am now very proud and happy with the way my system sounds and looks, and it's part of the fun of this great hobby to build a system the best way you can, and enjoy what you are able to come up with. I have learned a great deal from some of the owners of extreme hi-end systems, some of the guys are very knowledgeable, and are generous in helping out others, regardless of what the person can afford or not.

The 'Gon is here for all of us, rich or poor, and a great asset. I wouldn't have such an enjoyable system without it.

Just enjoy it all,
