Driven to Tears

I'm not referring to the Police classic cut "Driven to Tears." (which I really love) Recently and over time I've been reading posts here about audio systems that can produce music that evokes such emotion it can drive the listener to tears. I want that kind of system some day! I'm wondering, what is the common element to these various posts and audio setups? In my memory it seems that these systems sometimes were tubed based systems. I'm not sure if that's accurate or not. Maybe analog based? But it is has me wondering.

I've not heard that many audio systems and haven't experienced that kind of emotional connection. How many of you have experienced that kind of emotional connection with the music from a high end system? (the beauty of the music drives one to tears) What gear copmprised the system? Was it your system or some other audiophile's? Are tube based audio systems the common element to produce this kind of beauty and emotion or have you heard a solid state system that can connect with the listener on this emotional level? (or analog-based systems?) Have you seen someone's eyes well up with tears because the music eminating from a pair of speakers is so beautiful?
I never felt that the emotional impact of music was the audio system alone. I guess I did not communicate that in my post. The music must convey beauty and emotion. If the system has nothing to do with the emotional impact, then I'm glad of that. It's much easier on the bank account to continue building and adding music to your collection then it is to continue building a system and adding audio gear.
Loud bombastic and energetic music never fails to lift my mood to total joy and exhilaration. ToP cranked! Akin to an open air sports car or sport bike screeching along winding mountain roads in full summer at outrageous speeds - it says we are alive.


I mostly save my tissue boxes for romantic movies - Dear Frankie, Pride & Prejudice and all that nonsense gets me everytime!
Nope, I've been driven from rooms by music, but I've never been driven to tears by music.

I've never seen anyone weeping to recorded music alone. I've seen tears at a live performance, and I've seen folks cry with recorded music that was accompanied by a video performace (movie), but not by recorded music alone.

I can listen intently to Bonnie Raitt, "Not the Only One", at a moderate volume level on my current solid state system, and be driven to tears. It wouldn't happen on my old Marantz/Advent system because the sound quality just isn't there. But, there are other times when I listen on my current system, and there are no tears. I have to place myself in her shoes, to really feel the emotions the singer is trying to convey. As Tvad said, music by itself has never done this for me, either. Led Zep's "Stairway to Heaven" will bring me to tears when the electric guitar starts to kick in and pick up the tempo. It just gives me the biggest rush, but I wouldn't have gotten that rush without the previous music with lyrics.
an emotional response originates from within a person.
you can think about a piece of music, or sing it to yourselfand, perhaps, a thought will elicit an emotional response without any playback.

i agree with tvad and others that a stereo system has very little to do with eliciting an emotional response.

i think a lot of js bach's music can elicit an emotional response. it has a spiritual quality unlike many other musical compositions. there are other compositions i might include, such as faure's requiem and some music prior to the 17th century.