
I recently came across a few boxes of various vacuum tubes. Is there any way to quickly test whether or not they're still good? I've read stories about tube testers being at the corner five-and-dime, but it seems like those setups are hard to find these days.

The lack of detail in this question is meant as testament to my knowing very, very little about tubes, so I would appreciate any insight.

There are 2 options.
1. Use a tester, but some only give you a good-bad decision, no idea of how good. Its been a long time since they've been at the five and dime (a long time since there has even been a five and dime), but you may find one at your local independent hi-fi or tv repairman, or if you post your location, someone here may volunteer.
2. Sub them in to a component that uses the same tube type, but again, that will only give you a go-no go decision
I would either send them and pay a small fee to a reliable Tube supplier..or Ask someone on this Audiogon site that has knowledge and owns a calibrated tube tester to test them for you.....Other than that its not worth taking a chance unless your willng to take that risk?
It's also possible the tubes you've found are not worth the trouble even if they test perfect. Of the thousands built, only a double handful remain popular in high end audio.

If you list what you have, I and a dozen others here at Audiogon can tell you if they are desirable. If they are desirable it's worth testing them and putting up for sale or keep for yourself.
I'd stick to Albert's advice. It is sound, I think. Give us a list of what you have, wait for responses and go on from there.
+1 for Mr A's advice. Further- The majority of musical instrument amp repairmen own tube testers, as tubes are widely used in music/sound gear. Check your yellow pages, and make a couple calls.