System solution

I'm new to AudiogoN so apologies if this kind of thing has been discussed before.

I am trying to put together a budget system that I can be happy with for many years. (I am trying to put two sons through college so cost is a MAJOR factor).

I currently have an H/K 930 which serves me pretty well in the amp department, okay in the pre-amp department and very well in the tuner department. (I only spent $49 on it so it's a great value and sounds very good for the money).

I'm using a Marantz CD5000 as a transport and have an Adcom GDA-600 DAC.

My speakers are, in my opinion, the weakest link in the chain. They are Boston CR67s on decent, weighted stands.

My question is... If I'm only going to put about $1,000 into the system and may never spend another dime on it, what would be the best way to go? So far I'm looking at these alternatives.

1. Get some good efficient speakers like Triangles and let it go at that.
2. Same as #1 but also replace the DAC.
3. Same as #1 but also replace the Pre-amp and use the 930 as an amp.
4. Try to spend a little more and do #1 but add a "decent" amp like a Conrad 2250, McIntosh 7100, McCormack DNA125 or Audio Research D130.

My guess is my hearing will be gone before I can put much more money into it than that so I only get one shot at this. Any help I can get is greatly appretiated.

My recommendation would be to get a pair of used Triangles AND a decent integrated and use the HK through the tape outs as a tuner. Used NAD 320 BEEs go for about $250-300 and used Triangle Celius for $650-750; right in your wheel house $ wise.
Thanks for the response. Haven't owned any NAD is that a better option than some of the older MAC integrateds? I'd streach my dollars a little if it was going to be a big differance but if the NAD's are just as good all the better.
I've never heard your HK Receiver but I'd bet it sounds very decent. I've owned in the past the HK VXi 990 but all I recall about it was that it sounded dark (probably a spk. mis-match) and I soon bought something else. I own presently a couple of vintage amps( Sony TA-AX6 and Sansui Au-D33)and I will say they sound very good/excellent depending on the spk. used...but my Rega Brio3 is so much, much better sounding. (A superb amp. Very highly recommended.) I doubt an NAD will sound as good. If I was in your shoes I'd first upgrade the spks. and then down the road look at new int. amp. Followed by a good used tuner which can be bought for a song. Regards, Bill