Cheap tweak from Virtual Dynamics:

Has anyone seen the short video from Virtual Dynamics showing the owner replacing all his speaker screws with all brass screws? I was wondering if you could hear an improvement. It's a cheap tweak, so I thought I might go to Home Depot and try out a set. What can I lose?
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Thanks, Grant. I did start this thread, but I'm looking forward to some more positive posts( or negative, if that be the case) from others. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself. Hey, wait a minute! I DO talk to myself! Anyway, I'd sure like to hear your impressions when your Fat Wrench comes in.
This thread made me wonder if my Dali Megalines might benefit from torquing the woofer screws. The ribbons are suspended in space, so they are non adjustable.

I removed the top section grill cloth on each side (of the six sections) and located in my tool chest, the Torx star bit that fit the mounting screws.

I was surprised that with all my strength I was unable to tighten any of the screws on six woofers that I checked. Granted, I gave up before testing all 24 woofers, but it appears that in the case of this particular speaker the screws have not backed off, or perhaps the factory applied a bonding agent, set the torque and it resists further movement.

Whatever the case, it was a grand experiment and got me to vacuum those dusty grill cloths. I'm looking forward to reports from others on the benefit of this. I love cheap tweaks that have potential to improve sound.
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Maybe you can check with your Dali dealer or ask a factory technician about the torque. They might pre-torque these to factory specs and then, as you mentioned, they might put some lok-tite on the screws to keep them from loosening with time. It made me cringe to see that you couldn't tighten them with " all my strength..." You don't want to break off a screw or strip the wood out.