Pictures, More Pictures

I've got two ads running right now. Both have pictures and both have good descriptions. There have been many contacts but no questions other than "will you ship to Europe?".
There have been several contacts, however, requesting more pictures.
What gives? Are these people assembling scrapbooks?
The Europeans are doing what everybody else would do due to the downward spiraling economy here. The US has always been a good place for Europeans to visit. I think there maybe more EU holidays this year as Ryanair are doing 1p flights throughout Europe, yep that is correct 1p!!! (Including taxes also).
Beat that 'you are now free to move about the country' airline!
Oops, sorry wrong board, but hey.
One may not need many pictures, but front and back are a must. I am always amazed when some gear has two or three pictures of the front and none of the back. Having the back of the gear shown can convey a lot of information and answer a lot of questions.
Well, here's my take. Many of my replies have been from Europe.
There are many excellent photos available to demonstrate configuration and function available on the Rowland website and, for Zu, on the 6moons site. In both cases the photography far exceeds what I am capable of providing.

What I have experienced so far, has been people who ask no questions about the gear and do not indicate what they are hoping to see. They just ask for hi-rez pictures.

And finally, the Rowland stuff is notoriously difficult to photograph well and the Zu speakers are a copper metal flake that glows. It picks up the faintest bit of light and exaggerates it. In the morning the sun reflecting off these speakers makes the wall look like it is on fire.

Believe it or not, in both cases, I selected the best of a dozen shots before I posted them.

You gotta buy the product, not the pictures. And you gotta trust the feedback, at least a little. I get a lot of comfort or a sense of aversion by talking to people. That's why I often include a phone number with my responses, just in case other people feel they can learn something from personal communication.

My feedback is strong and my patterns of buying and selling indicate that I am a binge trader. In other words, I am not a dealer, just a guy who periodically goes on a buying and selling update spree.

I can't help but think these photo buyers (if they really are buyers) are going to be photoshopped out of a lot of money someday.

It wasn't so long ago that we bought stuff like this with no photos whatsoever. Why are they imperative now?

DCSTEP - Will you please lighten up on the Rowland promotion? You are way out of context. And besides, I bought my first piece of Rowland gear from Jeff in 1979 when he was making stuff in his garage without a brand name. It was a full function, battery-powered preamp. Rod Thompson and I worked for the Crisman Speaker Company together in 1976. I think I can proceed without your guidance and prompting.
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