
Just ran out of solder and was wondering what to purchase as a replacement.I understand the Mundorf is highly recommended,but would prefer to stay in the "modest" camp.
I have a few projects that I am working on and the last of the parts will arrive later this week.
Prefer one that will not add brightness and those that do not contain any gold,as I don't like the sonic flavor.
Thanks in advance,Tom
How about the lead free solder? Because of the RoHS legislation manufacturers in Europe are forced to abandon the "old" solder. I hear different opinions regardiong lead free solder: some say that it is in fact better than conventional solder, some say it is inferior. What is the truth?

Look at this chart and find the conductivity of lead compared to the other metals of which various solders are comprised. Is it any Wonder that, WBT and Eichmann(silver bearing) solders would be more transparent? (
Yeah, lead and tin are quite inferior with regard to conductivity, but why do some high end audio manufacturers regard lead free solder as "The beginning of the end of high quality audio"? One of them is Goldmund from Switserland if I can recall. I think there is a certain dichotomy with regard to lead free solder among high end audio manufacturers, especially the U.S. based ones.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to post.
I have ordered a small quantity of the WBT to experiment with.I will be using it to modify the Lineaum LX-10s.Just waiting for the last 4' of OM ribbon and the V-cap .01Uf by-passes to arrive.