System advice

My system is thus:

Vandersteen 2CE sigs
Anthem MCA 20 amp
Anthem TLP1 preamp/tuner
VPI Scout with Dynavector 10x5 and SDS
Audioquest Diamondback ICs
Denon dual deck CD player/recorder

I'm thinking about upgrading but I don't have any specific complaints about any particular component in my current setup. I do know it's lacking compared to higher end setups I have heard but again, nothing I can enumerate.
I have about $2k to spend.
Can you recommend any component replacement or tweak that would make a clear improvement for that amount? Thanks in advance.
I had the same amp wih 2ces, not sigs - the anthem is a good value amp but didnt mate well with Vandies (I had B&K preamp comparable to Anthem pre) The best I've heard the Vandies is with The Jolida 502brc I have now (Tube integrated)and very careful setup following the manual when you get the placement and tilt right you'll know it.....
OK, I really lost it in my post above. Tweaks can do great things but they're really for when you have already done major upgrades. Otherwise they're for when everything should be sounding good but isn't, or for when you have an itch to play.

I *especially* want to apologize for seconding Sbank when his (very good) advice didn't concern tweaks at all. I meant to say I was supporting James1969's post.

I haven't heard the Anthems and I'm not gonna take back what I said about tweaks that worked, but I do want to say that an Audio Space tube integrated did wonderful things for my second system.
Thanks everyone. I kinda had it in my mind that tubes might be a logical next step but wanted to defer to the experts...yooz guyz.