Blackbird Audio Gallery/ Dan Muzquiz

One resource I find essential in this hobby is a network of quality dealers. I also feel it's important to make our fellow Audiogoners' aware of such dealers. Please be advised that this recommendation is in terms of what I (personally) find most important...... Honesty, product knowledge and a strong commitment to the customer.

I had the opportunity to meet fellow Audiogoner' Dan Muzquiz, owner of Blackbird Audio. What an absolute pleasure. Dan took time from his rather busy day to spend time with me in his "Audio Boutique" on a very personal one on one basis. Dan is a thorough professional and an extremely knowledgeable and talented individual. He is also one hell of a nice guy.

I don't want this to sound like a commercial plug for any one particular dealer/individual. However, should the need or desire present itself to any of you for Dan's services, I can recommend Dan Muzquiz and Blackbird Audio without even the slightest degree of hesitation. Dan and the service he has created are a wonderful asset to Audiogon and to any and all audio enthusiasts.

Thank you again Dan.


Ed Buscis
I couldn't agree more with your recommendation. I've known and dealt with Dan for more than 20 years. He is highly knowledgeable, profoundly honest, and a lasting pleasure to deal with.
Linton Vandiver
I am in complete agreement here.  I met Dan yesterday to complete a purchase.  The man is absolutely "Top Drawer" !!   Very welcoming, very knowledgeable, couldn’t be nicer.  I wish every purchase I ever made, had someone like this behind it !!  I would recommend Dan in a Heartbeat.