I am curious if you also don't have or use a remote for your TV and a remote keyless entry for your car/van etc. If you really don't have a remote for them either, then I respect your right to just not like remotes, if not then you are picking on one item and not the others. Also do you, like most people, always look for the closest parking space at the mall or do you park more remotely (no pun intended). And how about those useless escalators once you are inside the mall, I assume you use the old fashioned stairs like I do. I personally park far away for exercise, take the stairs if available, and use a key to get into my car, but I sure do like my Preamp, and CDP remotes. I get more than enough exercise on those frequent trips out to the kitchen to get another beer.
I am curious if you also don't have or use a remote for your TV and a remote keyless entry for your car/van etc. If you really don't have a remote for them either, then I respect your right to just not like remotes, if not then you are picking on one item and not the others. Also do you, like most people, always look for the closest parking space at the mall or do you park more remotely (no pun intended). And how about those useless escalators once you are inside the mall, I assume you use the old fashioned stairs like I do. I personally park far away for exercise, take the stairs if available, and use a key to get into my car, but I sure do like my Preamp, and CDP remotes. I get more than enough exercise on those frequent trips out to the kitchen to get another beer.