
Responses from 68pete

Audioquest subwoofer cables
I have Audioquest sub 3 and have been very happy with it. It runs from my prepro to a Velodyne HGS 18 sub. It replaced a much older Mit cable, which it crushed. Audio Advisor and Music Direct sell them with a 30 day trial period.Good luck Pete 
Windfall B&W Matrix 800
I own a pair and would not sell them. Have had many offers. enjoy 
What is happening with Furman's product line
Try PSaudio 
Is a high priced Line Conditioner needed
Several factors will enter in to it. Where you live and how dependable is the power. What equipment is hooked up to it. I had a Monster surge protector several years ago and it really made the music sound bad. I have no experience with their newer... 
Power Conditioner Recommendation Requested
You should check out PS audio web site, they have several that work well. I would plug amp into the wall. good luck pete 
Buying speakers ten or more years old a good idea?
My B@W Matrix 800 still going strong and sounding great. 
audioquest speaker cables and levinson amp
I have found with ML 331-336 line of amps that the middle transparent line works well. Even the older transparent middle of the line work well with ML amps. 
How long do B&W 800 series speakers last
I have the original Matrixs 800 the big ones. They are still working very well. 
What power conditioner will help in my situation?
PSAUDIO P10 works well for me with the same problem 
The best speaker you ever heard?
the best I like are the vintage B@W Matrix 800 With a good amp they sound great and look great 
OPPO Relieability??
I have had my 95 for a year and a half and never had a problem plays great 
Oppo BDP105 mod
HelloTubegroover it sounds like you like tubes. Thats great, but I have the others modders mods and am very happy with them. Some of his modd stuff got very high marks in the audio mags. 
Oppo 105 has no fan. The video side of it is much better than the 95. The sound play back (CD/SACD) is -as I understand about the same may be just a small amount better if any(Minus the fan noise). I have a Modded 95 from The Upgrade Co. and like ... 
Velodyne - SPL or HGS?
I have had a velodyne HGS 18 for years and love it for 2 channel and HT. The amp went out after several years.Took it to Velodyne factory and they replaced the amp with a rebuilt amp in less than a hour. It did not cost a lot for the replacement. ... 
What tube pre amp match up with a solid state amp
Wow thanks for all the info. Some of it went over my head but all very usefull PETE