Responses from 7p62mm
Amp stands- Do they work? I think that member Mikela doesn't understand what a blind test is. In this case you would have a friend set up the system in one of two configurations 1) with stands and 2) without stands. The person evaluating the sound is not told what configur... | |
Amp stands- Do they work? I agree with Nanderson's suggestion about evaluating the stands affect on the amp's sound with a double blind test. Also, Vxphan's suggestion to use concrete blocks during the test phase is a good idea. Don't be surprised if there is no improvemen... | |
Amp stands- Do they work? Putting your amps on a set of stands may help by increasing air flow and may provide some protection from dropped beer bottles. Other than this I don's see how they can make a difference in how the amps 'sound'. It may be that you are over driving... | |
Sonic Frontiers Line 3 vs. BAT VK-5i I recently purchased a Line 3 on the used market and coudn't be happier with its performance. It has all the features that you might need. Runs on the hot side so needs good ventilation. I don't know anything about the BAT VK-5i preamp. Actually, ... | |
Hum and Hiss with Tube pre-amp I forgot to mention my experience with white noise hiss from tube preamps. My experience is that tube preamps produce a low level white noise hiss that is barely audible (you have to put your ear right up the speaker to hear it). The noise is not ... | |
Hum and Hiss with Tube pre-amp 60 Hz hum is a undereported problem. With your pre-amp connected to your amp try disconnecting the sources to the pre-amp. I had a problem with 60 Hz hum. Trouble shooting determined that the source of the hum was from a cable TV coax (I was takin... | |
XLR/Balanced problems??? The Sony CD player that I have has constant levels for the balanced outputs (The unbalanced outputs have adjustable levels). If your CD player allows you to adjust the balanced output levels then you may be over driving the front end of you preamp. |