Responses from 93rubyz
How long should high quality speakers last? High quality speakers should literally last a lifetime or more provided: (1) the user does not damage them, and (2) they're kept in a suitable environment free from extreme temperatures and moisture (i.e., indoors). I have a set of Klipschorns th... | |
The Dope from Hope... This is great! For those that would like to learn more about acoustics and audio, here is an opportunity to grab a hard bound book containing tips the legend of Paul Klipsch shared with whomever wanted them. | |
User Error Disaster I'll second the Fort Worth Audio suggestion. They'll take care of you. | |
Built a DIY butcher block and iron pipe rack over the weekend https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/6466 uberwaltz: I see you also have a Monoprice Monolith XL rack. How do you like it? | |
Built a DIY butcher block and iron pipe rack over the weekend That looks great! Mingles, I like yours as well. I've been looking for some sturdy and open air racks but don't want to break the bank as I am going to need a few to hold all of my audio and video gear. Building my own has been a consideration ... | |
VTI audio rack, any good? Has anyone tried the Monoprice Monolith XL racks? They are less expensive but appear to be fairly stout with 1" thick shelves and a 350 pound weight capacity.https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=39165&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn5Cy8Ib07wIVaiitBh1qp... | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? The only way something can truly experience a "burn-in" is if something physically changes. Think about that -- what is PHYSICALLY changing with the cable? Ok, now you have your answer. | |
insurance and shipping with UPS I avoid UPS at all costs. The last piece of gear I bought was shipped via UPS (I forgot to specify against UPS). It was double-boxed by the seller yet arrived damage anyway. From what I can imagine based on the damages, I estimate the box was dr... | |
Cable Burn In Ask yourself this question -- after the "burn in" what physically has changed in that cable? | |
Classe Audio rises again Good to hear as I really like Classe products. I think they are a great value. However, all my experience has been with products that are probably over 15 years old. | |
Speaker Suggestions for 300b SET Amp You should consider some Klipschorns. Seriously! Yes, they are large, but if you have good corners, they actually don't take up very much space at all -- who actually uses their corners (except for Klipschorn owners)? | |
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses? The laws of physics can't be broken. If the rationale came in the form of a memo, it came from the marketing department. Fuses do not make a difference. Do you want to believe science or do you want to believe marketing? It's up to you to deci... | |
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil Complete snake oil.Spend your money on room treatments -- that is will be where you will actually hear some benefits. | |
Directionality of wire Without all those arrows on the cables, how are those little tiny electrons going to know which way to go? They'll get lost! If the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math, then high end cables are a tax on audiophiles who are bad at science. | |
Best fuses for under $50? Try Radio Shack. Fuses don't impact sound!If the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math, then high end fuses are a tax on audiophiles who are bad at science. |