
Responses from aaronm

Fm tuner
I would suggest the Fanfare tuners. It has balanced outs and great rejection of the unwanted signal nonsense we get in the Chicago area. They came with a black or silver face. I have one of each face due to change of preamps over the years. Simple... 
Best Subwoofer To Use With A Two Way Speaker System
I would respectfully suggest the Goldenears Supersub XXL..  I love mine and have had them successfully mix with a few friends' various speakers that lacked low end. Each of them ended up buying at least one and still are very happy with them. The ... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
I absolutely love my Pass Labs XA-160 mono blocks. They have mated well with all speakers I have used them with, including some of my own design while the speakers still were "works in progress." 
Sonic Frontiers or Pass with Dunlavy 4a
I like the Pass gear with the Dunlavys. Sonic Frontiers is good stuff; pleasant,but it wasn't my flavor of sound. I really don't think the Pass X1 is going to give you the "midrange bloom" you are looking for. It is a very neutral sounding piece. ... 
Pass XA60 XA30
I would suggest emailng Pass Labs and asking. If they have determined a date, they'll tell you. Pass Labs is always very enthusiastic to help current and potential customers. 
Speaker Suitable for Baby/Children - Wall Mount
The Dunlavy WL-1 speakers were very rich sounding and could fill a room of moderate size fairly well. I think they went down to 50 hz or so. You could use five, or seven, in a room that size if theater or multichannel music is your plan. They can ... 
Dunlavy V bi-amp
I have used XA160s on the top with a X250 for the bottom end on my SC-Vs. The X250 has a bit more gain, so I used single ended for the bottom end (X250) and balanced (XA160) for the top end. Not as exact of volume matching as other methods, but it... 
crossover design
Vito,Are you looking for an active crossover or a passive one?Try to give a few more details to the design and you'll probably get quite a few good answers to your question.Respectfully,Aaron 
Which Pre-amps Will Allow Two Subs
The Pass Labs X0.2 have two pairs of variable XLR and two pairs of variable RCA. All usable at the same time with its single volume control or remote. The Pass X1 and X2.5 have one pair of each type that are variable. I use my X0.2 with multiple a... 
Revel Salons - Do they really sound like this?
The Salons are decent speakers and when set up properly can impress most people -- Even people that have lived with John Dunlavy's creations. You seem happy with the SC-4A speakers. Your comment was you wanted to try something different. What diff... 
Pass x-350 and Dunlavy SC-IVa - what speaker cable
You may want to try a Synergistic Research cable. I have had good luck with the Research Ref and Designers Ref. Res Ref on Low Freq input and Des Ref on High Freq. Either by themselves, even without bi-wiring, will sound great. But, when one has a... 
FM radio in Chicagoland
Thanks Sean, I listen to the radio quite a bit, but don't really surf and would have never found this station without your suggestion. I'm up by Long Grove and pick it up at 4.5 out of 5 on my signal strength meter. So I hope most people up here s... 
good, small speakers
Have you looked at the Jupiter Audio speakers? They are a small manufacturer, but really produce some nice speakers. They came to mind in your application only because of their "easy to place" design. I think their website goes into the design det... 
Pass Labs X-1 -VS- Adcom GFP-750 Preamp
After reading reviews of the Adcom, I had auditioned it in my home for an office system. While the Adcom might have been adequate for many people's office system, for me comparing the two was comical. The Adcom had nowhere near the transparency of... 
Need some pre-amp advice...
The X0.2 also added a 12v amp turn on circuit. I have heard both and bought the X0.2, not because of sound, but availability when I was ready to buy. I had never cared to use the 12v kicker with the other amps, as I used to leave the other amps on...