
Responses from abramsmatch

A preamp recommendation
Thanks so much! Very helpful yyz. For clarity, I actually was using a Freya S (solid state version) in buffered 1x mode, which I felt offered the best combination of clarity and tone with enough dynamics. (I preferred the buffered stage to the act... 
A preamp recommendation
yyz... was there some way other than tonal character in which you felt the CODA was much different from the LA4 or just slightly (or a lot?)  warmer?   In other words, to you, is it (roughly) an LA4 with an added dash of warmth?  Or are there othe... 
A preamp recommendation
I completely agree with everything yyzsb... has said about the Benchmark LA4. I am auditioning one right now (and have recently been auditioning preamps-- like 6 or so recently- trying to settle on one) and it is certainly the absolute quietest pr... 
SPL: Reference level performance, German build quality, and innovative designs
So this comparison wont take weeks or months of careful listening while blinded in the vacuum of space holding an Apx-500 precision measuring device after all. In sum, the LTA Microzotl level 2 pre is warmer and denser with ’beautified’ string to... 
SPL: Reference level performance, German build quality, and innovative designs
Thought this might help some people in that I am about to let an SPL Elector pre (new, so still breaking in) go head to head no holds barred with a gently used, soon-to-arrive LTA Microzotl Level 2 using my Mac Mc152 amp. Having had the SPL here f... 
Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3
Ok, thanks Lord. I sorta thought I’d compare a ’best use case’ (for me anyway) of how I felt each was optimized/at its relative best sonically (having tried various inputs with both with the Mac mini and previously a Lumin streamer - now sold). Fw... 
Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3
Ok-- now having had the chance to go back and forth for the last few hours with 4 or 5 different albums on actual speakers instead of the headphone system... utilizing what seems to be the Meitner’s preferred method of music making, which is ether... 
Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3
You’re welcome Branislav. I wanna stress these are really preliminary thoughts based on a couple of listening sessions so far with headphone set up only, so keep that in mind. As for the price differential, as you know the MA3 is a three-in-one un... 
Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3
I am doing so right now. Let me tell you, preliminarily it is quite close! Closer than I expected for sure given the significantly different DAC architectures/concepts. A/B’d via my headphone rig (with ALO studio six head amp/Senn HD600’s-- both D... 
Best Speakers for a small Nearfield room, budget at most $10000 (used is also ok)
I would read nearly any review of the Dali Oberon 5 loudspeakers (1199.00 pr) and actually believe those reviews:) On a whim (bored with quarantine!!) I have a pair in here now I’m listening to on 60 day return period against monitors more than do... 
Waht is the best streamer for the money under $2500 (no DAC or storage required).
How bout wayyyyy under 2500? At the risk of being unpopular (I got lots of practice in high school), dissatisfaction with dynamics and pace as compared with my ’pre-streamer’ days leading to less musical engagement, lead me to replace my SOTM SMS-... 
Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?
You’re welcome Mr. House:) (and gdnrbob!) So as to your questions, La Voce is probably in the 3000.00 US range retail and if you get a 15 percent discount or so, that means maybe 2650.00 US. As for the Gungnir Multibit, I bought mine new from Schi... 
Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?
As an addendum, for the past few days I’ve left both DACs fired up and have continued to switch periodically from Schiit to Aqua, Aqua to Schiit and so forth (I’m currently listening to the Beethoven Cello and Piano sonatas with Simone Dinnerstein... 
Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?
If this helps at all (maybe not?), I spent a few hours just now (okay 5 or 6 hours) listening to my Gumby vs. my Aqua HiFi La Voce S2 (with the Gumby having been on for a day and La Voce likewise). I listened to lots of string quartets, Mozart’s p... 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
JTinn-- one deep question:Do any of your speakers come in black?All I see is that same exact wood finish on every picture of every model Evo I've ever seen. Black would be so sleek what with the silvery drivers and all...Just my Manhattan metrosex...