

Responses from acmaier3

Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
FYI That’s $4300 vinyl setup trouncing an $8000 digitalIMAGO get some $1k Kimber XLR for the phono preamp out to square up the competition... another story! 
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
Tonight’s comparison Wilco’s “Star Wars”Qobuz FLAC 44.1kHz/24b > DirectStream+B2 > Kimber KCAG XLRvsvinyl on pro-ject RPM3 >gold note ph-10/ps-10 > blue Jean xlrboth into Schiit Freya+ (Tubes off and on, fully balanced on both signals)... 
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
@mahgister I know full well what timbre is since music theory in collegeYour mansplaining or copying out of a book is irrelevant and adolescent. Most of what you talk about is rambling gibberish suitable for an abnormal psych textbook but not here... 
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
Here’s another point worth consideringmicrophones and instruments are analog (infinite in that sense). Sampling no matter how good is not infinite (if you don’t get the 3/4D aspect).  There’s no instrument but the human ear for this (yet).BTW the ... 
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
@audio2design you literally said timbre doesn’t exist... that’s severely discreditingmy musical and sound system engineering includes quite a bit actually such as concerts and installationsAnalog is actually 4 dimensional while volume reproduction... 
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
Using the exact same mastering with MODERN digital SAMPLING, over several comparisons keeping my room and equipment static strongly favors the analog even though my digital setup is significantly more expensive and even “better” according to most.... 
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
Timbre definitely exists... it’s why one guitar sounds different than another. Why nylon strings sound different than steel. Audio2design is a fool arguing with facts like a homeless person yelling at a street sign.  
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
The reason vinyl sounds better is the instrument timbre and the interaction of them. There is no electronic tool for measuring this. Regardless of the format, albums recorded with instruments played separately have a similar problem - lacking vita... 
Speaker suggestions under 4k
I second the Dali choice. I got my Sonus Fabre Sonetto VIIIs for $4k, they sound INCREDIBLE, but that’s a hard deal to beat.  
Speakers good for close to wall placement
Anything without a rear port really... $ for $ I haven't heard anything better than Sonus Faber Sonetto's yet - I have the VIIIs - the port is on the bottom of the tower. 
Bluesound installed DAC - music killer?
Bluesounds have amazing quality for the price. You probably have a bad unit or weak cables.  I have been running a Bluesound Node 2i for a year with high End Nordst Cables. Last week I upgraded to a DirectStream with Kimber XLR > Schiit Freya+ ... 
Great Intergated amp with great built in DAC
Schiit Raggnorak Is probably the best value 
$5k Pair Full Range Speaker Shootout - Help me pick
Sonus Faber Sonettos. I have the VIIIs bought at $4K (hard to find that great of a deal maybe). Easily beating Focal and Revel in this price range plus anything else I’ve heard; Dali are thee closest. Deep, fast bass extension, super clear mid, ac...