
Discussions ake has started

AES/Cary AE-3 preamp:Phase Inverting or not?40002
Is my listening geometry too small?327111
Will I be a jaw dropping Wow for an upgraded CDP?590015
Zen amp: Worth upgrading to Select version?26784
Lowether spakers: Any dissappointment: good/bad?34963
Gain and Loose b/t SET amp and Maggies route?20263
Help Should I stay with my Axiom M22ti or move on?41314
DIY Speakers, worth the hassles?1665625
Tube amp power rating question.30315
What is the characteristic of diff. Triode Tubes?576011
Plinius 8200P or Bryston 3B-SST for Maggie 1.6 QRs66579
How long can Magnepan speaker last?1848917
conrad johnson MF-2250 opinion129195
Is it too mismatched to pair Maggie 1.6 & NAD 370?452311
What is the minmimum room size for Magnepan?1490412