Responses from alan60
Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please- Slade - Merry Christmas Everybody | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? @puffball08 Steve Albini productions always have a live vibrant quality to them. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Shellac - Terraform Al Di Meola - Land of the Midnight Sun | |
...changing the Tubes on the Jadis DA50 worth it ? +1 for EL34's in Jadis amps if compatible or a small mod. JA30's with EL34'S made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, only other to achieve that is the Kondo Kegon. | |
Is the Audio Ref-6SE worth 7K more than the BAT VK-80? Get a Shindo pre you will never look back wondering. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Diamond Head - Canterbury, by far the best Diamond head album, an album that deserves a lot more credit than it gets and an album I never tire of listening to. | |
Top 3 songs to evaluate a system Joan Armatrading - Opportunity from Show Some Emotion, great bass, drums, acoustic guitar, sax and ambient detail.Nils Lofgren - Keith Don't Go, Live know someone else has nominated this but it is an awesome recording for evaluating a system.Tom W... | |
Bought a new McIntosh amp I think most people agree that if you have doubts and as you are on a budget, then take it back as it could end up being an expensive mistake. I tend to agree you would get more benefits out of a speaker change. However if you go for the Klipsch I... | |
Cornwall IV and subwoofers I am amazed that you need a sub with the Cornwalls. I have Tannoy Arden Legacy, also with 15" drivers definitely no sub required. | |
16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling I thought my point was about bitrate, in that Audio note are only 16bit and they are developing a 12bit, and suggesting to check out Peter Qvortrup's views on bitrates, but heyho! | |
16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling You should check out Peter Qvortrup of Audio Note UK's views on higher bitrates, he is talking about bringing out a 12bit player. I am a vinyl man, but the higher end Audio Note Cd players and DAC's are the most Musically engaging digital format I... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Wobbler - Dwellers, a Swedish prog rock band that sound like a mix of Yes/Genesis/Gentle Giant. Anyone who loved the glory days of prog check them out.Joan Armatrading - Show Some EmotionGetz/Gilberto | |
why do so many discussions turn contentious? Unfortunately it is a symptom of the digital world. People who would not normally say boo to a goose, are probably henpecked by their partners, put them behind a computer or some other device where they can hide from the real world, they suddenly ... | |
Helping a kid out Why not explore the second hand market, dealer trade ins etc, must be some decent $400 units going for around the $200 Mark. | |
MY SONIC LAB Cartridges EMT JSD's for me, very musical, neutral and use Alnico magnets. |