

Responses from alectiong

Wilson Audio MAXX series III
I wonder if the Maxx III can be satisfactorily driven by SET amps, specifically the 18wpc Lamm ML2.1? Some people have no problem driving the Alexandria with the ML2.1. Has anyone tried the Max III and Lamm ML2.1? 
Anyone heard the new Focal Grande Utopia EM?
Paul, how is the Grande Utopia breaking in? Anxious to hear your impression and how it compares with the Alexandria. 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
I went to listen to MaxIII in show room the other day. It was driven by all solid state gears. It was very dynamic with lots of presence and great bass. However I did't feel it was musically satisfying. Maybe it should be mated with tube amps? 
Anyone heard the new Focal Grande Utopia EM?
Paul,Were you dissatisfied with the Alexandria in anyway that made you switch to the Grand Utopia EM's? I would have to presume the EM's are sonically better for you to switch. Could you share more? 
Anyone heard the Gryphon Trident?
Hi all,Thanks for your thoughts.I happen to have a 18 w SET (Lamm ML2.1). I am looking for full range high efficiency speakers (>94db) that can be well controlled by the lamm. Horns are out for me, so are wide baffle designs. Speakers that fit ... 
Anyone heard the Gryphon Trident?
Gryphonaudion, can the Trident be adequately driven by 18w SET? 
best loudspeakers for full Gryphon system
Wander,Why Gryphon's speakers are not on your radar?Alec 
Anyone heard the Gryphon Trident?
TubooYou didn't sound impressed. I don't know what gears were used with the Gryphon speakers at Munich show...i imagine they were Gryphon's own electronics. The Gryphon Trident's in-built amps should be Gryphon's own, though not likely class A ope... 
Anyone heard the Gryphon Trident?
Thanks Sphere. I will audition it with a SET amp.Hi Argyro, the Trident if I am not wrong is more expensive than the Lohengrin...US$100k vs US$70k. Alec 
Anyone heard the Gryphon Trident?
SphereCan you share more? In what ways is the trident outstanding?alec 
Kharma 3.2.2: which tube amp to use?
Hi all, I settled on the Lamm ML2.1 of 18 SET watts. I took a gamble of course since the local dealer didn't carry any stock for me to do home demo. The ate now at half way mark of burn-in according to factory recommendation. I recognize my Kharma... 
Wavac MD-805m
Michael, the Wavac costs 2/3 of the Lamm. With so much more power to spare, the Wavac seems like a great bargain. Unfortunately I never had a chance to do a AB comparison with my speakers.I did hear some people say the Wavac can drive my Kharma ve... 
Wavac MD-805m
Michael,I was considering the Wavac 805 and the Lamm ML2.1. At the end I chose ML2.1. Since you heard both amps with your speakers, can you share your thoughts abt them and why you went with the Wavac?As for the preamp, I can share that I heard at... 
High efficiency speakers
Hi, I finally received my Lamm ML2.1's, and am burning them in. I haven't gotten myself a pair of high efficiency speakers yet. I am still using the Kharma 3.2.2. I have a qn to ask and hope someone can enlighten me.The ML2.1's have 4, 8, and 16 o... 
Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s
Wslam, what is "Effect-range bass"? Are you talking about home theatre sound effects, or ability to feel the full impact of a 30-inch kettle drum, and a 64-ft pipe organ?