Responses from almarg
Buy High Pass Filter or KAB RF1? I posted the following in one of your other threads: It appears that the Rega P3 is normally fitted with a Rega RB300 tonearm, which according to the listing at has an effective mass of 11.5 grams. Also, since the cartridge is made... | |
Best Way for my TT to reach my Pre-Amp!? It appears that the Rega P3 is normally fitted with a Rega RB300 tonearm, which according to the listing at has an effective mass of 11.5 grams. Also, since the cartridge is made in Japan its dynamic compliance is probably specifie... | |
Pass Labs and Fuses Regarding directionality, I would remind everyone that in past fuse-related threads there are two members who have cited actual experience rotating the position of a fuse in its holder without changing its direction. Namely Atmasphere and SGord... | |
Buy High Pass Filter or KAB RF1? There is only one line feeding the sub so I’m not sure how I would connect this just to the sub. Does the problem still occur when the sub is not operating? If so connecting the filter just to the sub won’t help very much, of course.If the proble... | |
Network Switches ... losses in sending an actual signal, are quite low, 1-2db, even at 100KHz. ... and I would emphasize that losses are even a good deal less than 1-2 db at 100 MHz, as can be seen in the graphs. The question is, how good were the circuit designer... | |
Network Switches @brotw, thanks for the mention, and for your comments. However while I of course agree that spectral components at very high frequencies are present in Ethernet signals when audio data is being conveyed, certainly extending up to hundreds of MHz a... | |
Best Way for my TT to reach my Pre-Amp!? The crazy thing is this was a brand new P3 and I’ve used it without any trouble for a few months, then all of the sudden rumble from nowhere, so I moved the whole setup thinking the speaker was too close to the TT only to make the TT too far away ... | |
Will my Krell drive a 2 ohm load? P.P.S: Ok, I see in your other thread that the Krell amp is only powering the bass panels of the Maggies, with a Classe amp handling the mids and highs, and with an active crossover ahead of the two amps. So that would seem to be another encouragi... | |
Will my Krell drive a 2 ohm load? P.S: I'm not sure what the reference in your initial post to an "active biamp setup" means. That would seem to imply that there are two sterero amps. Is that the case?Regards,-- Al | |
Will my Krell drive a 2 ohm load? After doing a bit of research, it's hard to say what the answer is. One clue is that the specs show a power rating for bridged mode only for 8 ohms, and not for 4 ohms. In bridged mode the amp would "see" a 4 ohm load as a 2 ohm load. So that... | |
What does an impedance-matching issue "sound" like? So this also effectively doubles the power going to each speaker - how does it affect impedance and is it safer for the amp and speaker? Regarding safety, earlier I described a scenario involving failure of a small signal tube that could concei... | |
What does an impedance-matching issue "sound" like? @jsqt, no, what you’ve described in the second paragraph of your post above is a horizontal biamp configuration.In a vertical biamp configuration you would dedicate one amp to powering the left speaker and the other amp to powering the right speak... | |
What does an impedance-matching issue "sound" like? @jsqt, thanks for providing the additional info.It appears that your preamp has very low output impedance, as the non-Extreme version is said to have a nominal output impedance of 75 ohms. So the somewhat low input impedance of two paralleled chan... | |
Suggestions for higher efficiency speakers Regarding the Reference 3A MM de Capo, measurements of the BE version of that speaker performed by the National Research Council of Canada, as published by, show a sensitivity of only 86.7 db.Regards,-- Al | |
Best Way for my TT to reach my Pre-Amp!? ... as far as I understand, capacitance does not matter if you use a Moving Coil(MC) cartridge. The OP’s cartridge in this case is a moving magnet type. But regarding this point, generally speaking load capacitance is much less important in the c... |