
Responses from andromedaaudio

New favorite VINYL Album?
If you can find it in the States probably not .Its no longer produced as far as i know so , another favorite of mine is the "kind of hippie group " Flairck .Its a former dutch group which played natural instruments and a sort of experimental music... 
Spectral amp choice+ Eidolon
Depends on the budget , but a 432 for example is a damn good amp , a 431 also which i had myself ,i m not so sure that im happier with my krells actually.The 431 has enough power but the 432 will give even more control and a bit more deepbass.Sinc... 
Spectral amp choice+ Eidolon
Designer Hall of Fame
Myself off course (i m joking ) .I would suggest Andy payor of rockport for speakers and turntables , by the way ,i ve never heard them as there is no dealer/importer in holland , its just the way things are made .For amps and digital mr Yamada fr... 
Personal amp evolution
Various "no high end amps " then i build my own Hawk audio kit amps 2 times 20 watt class A/AB.Meridian 557Marklevinson 431Graaf GM 200Krell evo 400next will be probably zanden amps but they are a little expensive and big transistors also have som... 
nagra plp find a good power amp
ML 431 was very nice , i wanted to try krell for a change , the ML s are a bit " darker " sounding very nice a plp /ML 436 would also be a very nice combo in my opinion 
What is the Phono stage you have finished with?
A nagra PLP which is a very good preamp as well , i have not tried many at home, i have owned ARC sp 6 with build in phono which had not enough gain also a jasmine LP 2.0 with seperate power supply which is cheap and good , i am now 42 years old ,... 
turntable recommendations for a vinyl newbie...
Ah you have a beautiful system , first of all get a good phonoamplifier with sufficient gain thats were most analogue systems go wrong in my opinion and also a lot of " dealers" , i suppose a atmasphere could be build in your atma pre .There are p... 
Turntables better than a Wadia 861SE w/ Statement
You have a nice analogue set up already.Get a nice koetsu or vd Hul cartidge or.... , digital can never match the micro dynamics/tonal rightness of good analogue , and yes i had wadia 581 to me it was definetely not worth the money , i dont know a... 
Stand out phono stages
I would definetely change my whole system for a zanden system though , but thats another price catagory, i heard them again at a dealershow this afternoon 
Stand out phono stages
everything that has nagra /phono on its nameplate , including BPS. 
Getting a Koetsu Onyx cartridge rebuilt - help
Youre welcome He also sells (or sold ) a XPP with platinum coils which is even more expensive as XGP (gold coils).I would like to hear what you think of them if you by one . 
Getting a Koetsu Onyx cartridge rebuilt - help
I know about the "high end broker" and "A 10 audio" they both sell colibris new or second hand a bit of googling .What the plastic concerns i dont know about all the colours it should not make any sound difference i would think and no i am no vd h... 
Getting a Koetsu Onyx cartridge rebuilt - help
Hai bird dog .... i have a koetsu and a vd hul the condor only i damaged my condor just before i bought the koetsu, and changed appartments in the mean time so comparison is difficultWhat i can say is that i think the vd hul delivers a little bit ... 
What's your profession? Age?
Hai ,my age is just 42, i am from Amsterdam / holland ihave my own business as a factorymechanic in which i solve mechanical poblems .I also design loudspeakers .