Responses from antigrunge2
Herbies tube dampers I use the Mad Scientist toppers on my WE 435 and the blue tack on 6l6GC and 300b tubes. Bluetack has excellent damping characteristics. | |
Duelund speaker cable gauge for my system? Get Auditorium23 cables, they are specifically designed for high efficiency speakers. | |
Herbies tube dampers @ozzy, agreed. In my experience (I tried Duende Criatura, EAT and several others whose names I forgot) anything that touches the tube around its glass bottle ultimately dulls the sound. Two tweaks that seem to work: Mad Scientist Audio Tube Toppe... | |
Network optimization for serious streamers One simple but highly effective tweak: I use a PinkFaun Isolator directly into my InnuOS streamer and a second EMO Isolator ahead of the switch. While ai agree that avoiding EMI/RMI ingress is crucial, it is very hard to avoid, hence the double Is... | |
Anyone buy one yet? Thoughts? This is called the Banana approach to product development: deliver green and let mature with the client | |
The best speaker cables you’ve had Auditorium23, gets you 90% of Shindo for a fraction of the price. Simply superb, particularly with high efficiency speakers and tubes | |
Dedicated electrical line - UK Make sure you get quality sockets, e.g. MCRU, Furutech or JAndrews. I also suggest you use Akiko Audio dedicated fuses and grounding at the switchboard for further improvements. | |
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"? In any sale there is a zone of probable acceptance (ZOPA) outside of which nothing will happen. Not responding to a low ball offer outside of ZOPA actually signals ‘No, I am not desperate and there is no point discussing.And someone lowballing an ... | |
Is usb reclocking necessary? @bg3584 While you are correct that the streamer is slaved to the Dac under asynchronous USB, the actual connection needs reclocking since USB as a two way port has a separate algorithm rather than embedding the clock signal in the data stream. H... | |
Best USB cable upgrade for around $1000 Intona Isolator + Reference Cables. And keep the cables as short as you can. If your setup allows it, the Uptone USPCB can be quite effective, too. | |
DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend @verdantaudio It’d be interesting to have your views on external clocking. In my experience with Delta Sigma upsampling DACs, having an external high quality 10m reference makes a significant difference even when internal Dac’s clock is already ... | |
Riddle me this.... In the analogue domain it‘d have to be mechanical and thereby more accident prone, I guess…Where polarity is messed up during recording, there‘ll be a change in degrees with in most cases one setting preferable. Since the advent of hi-res audio, p... | |
Do I really Need a Digital to Digital Converter? There are two Isolators who make a big difference: Intona on USB with short (!) Intona cables on the link to the DAC and Pink Faun on the Ethernet cable from the router. There is a further way of improving the USB connection by adding a reclocker,... | |
Please recommend decoupling footers for DAC Get Black Ravioli Big Pad ffooters. They are the best vibration sinks I have been able to find. Truly in a league of their own | |
Riddle me this.... @dogberry It‘s precisely the initial pulse of the wave that defines phase, or for the purposes of this discussion more accurately polarity. Think of a wind instrument being blown rather than sucked ( in analogy to a speaker Diaphragm moving out ... |