Responses from asctim
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines. I wouldn't waste any time feeling sorry for them, just like they shouldn't waste any time feeling sorry for you. They're happy with their stuff, you're happy with yours. I'm happy with mine, which probably doesn't meet your standards or theirs. | |
What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost? I saw a video where a coffee expert was blind tested to see if he could distinguish different levels of coffee. He did really well, and explained that somewhere around $30 / lb the actual quality of the coffee was completely topped out. After that... | |
What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost? We're talking about best sound possible from 2 channel audio, which in my opinion is able to sound very good, but is fundamentally limited by the format. From my perspective, and from my limited experience I'd say a carefully selected equipment ... | |
soft dome versus hard dome tweeters @erik_squires Thanks for the WAWB reference. I looked that up on DIYaudio. One guy talks about the excellent balance and sharp percussion. This is what I'm noticing on my system lately. With my CD horn it wasn't really doing those things to ful... | |
soft dome versus hard dome tweeters @erik_squires I'm all about that midrange too. But a lot of tweeters go a significant way down in to it. And, how that midrange marries to the other frequencies matters. So, what's the best approach to a coherent, uncolored, beautiful midrang... | |
Is it the gear or the ears? Nice post! I'm reminded of the cosmically inspiring moments I've had listening to a classical music station that's barely coming in while driving through the woods in a noisy car. | |
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why. I’m with @akg_ca and others here. There’s no correct answer for every situation. I use a lot of toe-in with my current room, which is played long ways using horn speakers. One issue I just experimented with addressing is opposite side reflections,... | |
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? I haven't heard an extreme improvement from a cable change. But I'm convinced it can happen on some systems, and not necessarily only the finest systems, but just ones with interesting matchings of speakers and amps, or other components where cabl... | |
Nearfield Low-Level Listening : New Speakers or EQ? Thoughts? One thing I’ve been taught is that unless a room is very highly damped and/or the speakers are highly directional and very close to the listener, most of the sound power that reaches the listener’s ears is from room reflections. So I think that a ... | |
BEST SPEAKER THAT COMES TO LIFE AT LOW LISTENING LEVELS This thread got me thinking. Klipschorns were mentioned as sounding good at low volume. I would agree they can be captivating, although not a lot of bass. I think the loudness curve has something to do with it. But the speaker can have flat on-axi... | |
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles @pfreix I’m a big believer in interaural crosstalk reduction. I’ve not heard BACCH4Mac, but I’ve heard other methods of reducing crosstalk that I found very compelling. BACCH4Mac seems to be the current state of the art when used in a well treat... | |
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles One thing that I just became aware of is how a little impedance between the speakers and the amp can help tame peaky resonances in some speaker drivers, and reduce distortion as a result. Not sure how that ties in to cables, but I suspect it could... | |
Magico - Wide vs. Narrow @tomic601 Cardboard is not a good speaker baffle material. Cardboard is very noisy in and of itself. Just putting my mouth near a piece of cardboard and humming lowly makes the cardboard vibrate like crazy, adding all kinds of resonances. Just ... | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled Amazing that it retains its good sound quality when it's defective. | |
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all? @dogearedaudio I think that all fits within my current understanding. |