
Responses from ashoka

New to audiophile and need HELP.
Try Andrew Jones designed Elac debut 5 or 6, go for schitt amps, PS audio sprout amp. there are any listed now in stereophile budget 2018 equipment list 
Usher Audio BE-718 or Kef LS50
try affordable high end Fritz speakers, Home delivery home audition & consultation. every one is prizing. 
Best Speakers under 1k for me
go far inwal speaker Elac Debut iw 6 may be 
Best Speakers under 1k for me
If you have drywall try In wall speaker where you get full advantage of infinite baffle and no font wall boom or reflections. Elac Debut IW-6 (4inch deep) claims same cabinet speaker performance. but toeing in and determining the placement is diff... 
Which books OR online courses are best for Audio Industry
I found this course online by university of Rochester on Coursera a free course and If want certificate pay $49. Any thing like this courses offered by Universities?  
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
 How good speaker be high end score 100% when they leave out 25% for timbre marks?  
Filling speaker Stands?
My suggestion is 2 pot expandable PU foam with Pebbles or/both light weight filler diatomaceous earth, micro spears rock wool mix ... and https://boatcr... 
I don't want to be judgemental here, Have anybody checked Gauge of wire Upgraded expensive cable to old cheap cable wire gauge? wire thickness makes a lot difference that proven science. Have tried thicker gauge wire before buying Costly cables?Wh...