

Responses from atmasphere

Phono Cartridge IMD Measurements, Observations and a Question
@kevemaher You might get a little device called an inverse RIAA filter to put at the output of your CD player. If you can reduce the level properly, you could test the phono section too. The one at the link provides some attenuation.      
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough?
@hilde45 I'd go with a set of JJ EL84s before Sovteks or for that matter any Russian made version. Have the tubes been tested? If any are bad all bets are off. If you have level controls on your speakers it might be a good idea to run pink noise... 
Need a modern Class A monoblock, preferably half or compact chassis
Do you have any future plans to show your Class D amps paired up with speakers a bit larger and more demanding than Fritz' little gems? @decooney We showed with the Caladan open baffle speakers at AXPONA last year. We're not sure what the next ... 
@southofdallas Where do you live? Our class D isn't the only you might consider, FWIW.  
I'm new to Step Up Transformers
In fact many people do not know that proper loading is usually done from a selector switch on the phonostage in which the switch run through a series of resistors. Someone looking to have there preamp get the proper load for their cartridge is a ... 
Pass XP-17 and Hana ML loading question
Same here. I've had the cartridge several years and really can't complain. Its effortless with everything I throw at it.   
If I understand it correctly: the Accuphase class-A is a push-pull amp, the same as PASS LABS. Do they leave class-A at some level? How much class-A power does the A-48 deliver before drifting into AB? @southofdallas This isn't a concern. If a ... 
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough?
@bruce19 There's a kind of ceramic cap called an 'NP0' (for Negative Positive Zero) which can sound surprisingly good. They are available with leads and in the value you need, are about the size of a small bead. By ceramic cap standards they are e... 
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough?
@bruce19  You could install a coupling capacitor between the source (perhaps a preamp) and the SET, with a value calculated to have a -3dB point at the desired crossover frequency. Frequency in Hz = 1,000,000/Capacitance in uF times Resistance on... 
Phono Cartridge IMD Measurements, Observations and a Question
@kevemaher You’ve not ruled out RFI sensitivity on the part of the Musical Surroundings preamp, which you don’t seem to mention in your list just above. RFI issues can produce quite a lot of IMD. By 'stuff upstream' I meant the arm mounts, arms, ... 
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough?
@mclinnguy Thanks! So what is actually simpler? Many say SETs are. But they have problems that are very difficult to solve like the elliptical load line I've mentioned several times. I think they are just too simple. In a conventional push pull ... 
Need a modern Class A monoblock, preferably half or compact chassis
1. Smoother sound, a little more texture 2. Better separation of instruments. Oddly closer to tube in a way 3. New layering is present I do not recall hearing prior 4. More to the bottom end it seems, not imagining this 5. Weighs less now, ea... 
Phono Cartridge IMD Measurements, Observations and a Question
@kevemaher A lot of phono sections have trouble with the RFI generated by the operation of the phono cartridge combined with the capacitance of the tonearm cable. That RFI is usually blocked by an SUT. To rule out that variable you use a 'cartri... 
I'm new to Step Up Transformers
There is no better or worse here. It’s what works out in your system @lowtubes Actually if you get the loading right you'll find there is 'better' and that the differences between your various SUTs is less than you thought.    
Marantz model 8
@ccogopher +1