Responses from audio_guy_uofw
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? In my car I listen to KNKX (Jazz Blues and NPR News) and at home stream Jazz 24 in the kitchen and dining room. | |
DIY Spekon Cable For Rel +1 ted_b with low output impedance of amp, high signal levels, and high input impedance of sub no need for shielding or heavy guage. | |
Tone Arm Lifter I use Little Fwend on my Thorens TD 160. It was a bit finicky to setup, as it was a tight fit between platter and tonearm, but once tweaked into position it works well. | |
Good choice for 20' XLR cable? Blue Jeans Cable offers several cable options and custom lengths for a reasonable price | |
Analog invites you to turn up the volume While certainly the equipment can introduce differences in sound, especially phono cartridges, there is also the issue of mastering. With streaming the provenance is usually unknown, while with vinyl it is usually possible to determine the master... | |
Room setting: new amp or new speakers? +1 devinplomnier and ddgtt You should get your speakers out into the room on stands and spend some time finding a good location which optimizes bass performance and imaging. This will make a huge difference, and start you on the right path. Then... | |
Streamers and software I use Roon, have a lifetime subscription, and am very happy with it. You can try out for free, and go month to month to give it a good trial. A bit of a learning curve...but that is true of any of the software packages. | |
Recommended amplification Power and listening level are tricky. A 3dB increase in listening level is often referred to as a just noticeable difference...but it requires 2x the power. A 10dB difference in listening level is subjectively twice as requires 10x the p... | |
Acoustic Panel Help I have 1.7i's and have found in my room absorption on the front wall and diffusion on the back wall work well to maintain imaging while providing a sense of spaciousness. Maggie's radiate little to the sides, so I have found side wall reflections ... | |
room treatment gurus, please Consider suwoofers, which could be placed in a location where the bass modes couple better to the listening position. | |
Music server recommendations needed. Surprised nobody has recommended a Roon server. I personally love it's metadata management and deep search capabilities. It also fully integrates you library with Tidal and Quobuz, so you can have the best of both worlds. Have a look if you are ... | |
HumminGuru Orbit Vinyl Record Static Remover Vinyl Storage Solutions. They are excellent! | |
Alternative absorbent acoustic material? In most rooms a combination of absorption and diffusion will result in the most pleasing acoustics. Too much absorption can result in a dead sounding room which is not pleasant to be in, let alone listen to music in. GIK website has lots of info. ... | |
How to set up volume control on a DAC without a preamp I would also be concerned driving an amp directly from a DAC. Roon has had a bug in past that caused the volume to ramp to 100%. Could be catastrophic under the wrong circumstances. | |
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance. I wonder if the lowering of the speakers by removing the pavers took you out of a hot spot in the vertical dispersion pattern of the speakers. You could slump down a few inches in your chair and see if it returns. |