
Responses from audiobugged

which monoblock
I also in the past have had good results with Classe, & really like the sound of Canadian manufacturers. I am happily running Bryston now, I however hope to audition a pair of Sim Audio W-10's within a week, the Pass X600 will be auditioned la... 
Wadia 861 Owners...
Islandear I am using a Sierra Audio K2 Preamp in my main system w/ the Wadia which is very revealing. I this morning added my second systems Bat Vk-3i to the Wadia just for kicks, & it still rivals the Wadia w/o a Pre-amp! And adds a nice amou... 
scout drive belt keeps slipping off
Good Advice Ray! 
which monoblock
Why not research Bryston 7b-st's for the mains/center, & a 4b-st for the rears? I'm not sure if this would break your bank? However they are quite affordable pre-owned, & would serve well in a audio first 5.1 system set-up IMO. 
scout drive belt keeps slipping off
Yes the smaller top is the 33rpm spindle, the belt should rest on the lower shoulder of the bottom of the top spindle. The lower larger diameter spindle is for 45rpm. I have never tried the larger, as I use a SDS to switch speeds. I hope this help... 
scout drive belt keeps slipping off
Todd, the belt, or platter aren't rusted are they? Do you have the Scout Motor assembly spaced out so it is even with the left edge of the Scouts plinth? Push the belt down to the last groove on the platter, & the motor spindle. For 33 rpm the... 
vpi jmw tonarm rust yes rust
Todd, your going to make me want to coat my Scout in Cosmoline when not in use :0)~ 
vpi jmw tonarm rust yes rust
Todd it's TSI 30i 
vpi jmw tonarm rust yes rust
Todd, I just removed my dust cover & took a good look at the arm after my first cup of coffee. It may be aluminum, & stainless steel underneath. However this is not beadblasted aluminum, & stainless steel in it's raw form. There is a m... 
Half-price "Used / New" Cables
Elizabeth no more Prada purses for you! Oh my now you will have spending endless sleepless nights wondering if the labels on all my interconnets are genuine???:0)~ 
Need help w/ B&W CM2
Different speaker cables, & interconnects might also work. 
Cable reccomendations for the Dynavector P-75
Discovery cable which is the same in the Scout's Tonearm. I am running Harmonic Tech Silver Crystal Phono Cables, but only since my entire cable chain is HT Magic, & Pro-silway.For the buck the Discovery NOS interconnects can't be beat. 
Lead shot questions
The Sound Anchor Cradle 9nt bases weigh in at about 22-23 lbs., & come with 4 adhesive Blu-dots that really anchor the speaker base to the stand with 3-4 points. They also spread the base width to 12" x 14". This really isolates the speaker fr... 
Lead shot questions
If I hadn't upgraded to Talon Khorus's, I would have upgraded the cheesie binding posts on the Cdm-9nt's to Silver WBT's. Then while inside I would have re-wired them with siltech wire with an iternal jumper. I really don't think 9 pounds of lead ... 
There is a Santa
It's my Doody to please that Booty! Shaft