
Responses from audiobugged

Using VPI SDS with a CD PLAYER
It mentions the usage for a Cd player in the manual, but doesn't get into any details? I think Harry's just trying to sell more SDS's? 
Why are there so many Stealth Indra for sale now
Why so many Sony Dvp-s7700 dvd players? Why so many Sony SCD-1's? WHY NOT ENOUGH OF ALL THE CRAP I'M LOOKING FOR???There's really not that many Indra's up, compared to the 2 items I see a lot of above. 
Why are there so many Stealth Indra for sale now
Maybe their Significant Other saw the Bank Statement? I was just offered an Indra for trade towards my Harmonix cable, from a Stealth Dealer. My Cable, plus $2500.00 out of my pocket. Some Trade Huh? Honestly Stealth Cables don't retain their res... 
Record Cleaning Again
Sean, I did, I mis-read your post on this thread, & thought you where adding a 4th cleaning machine to your assembly line arsenal. I deleted my post after it registered. 
Any Drawbacks to COD
O.K. here's a funky C.O.D. story.... A A'gonR was listing a Dac for an elderly non computer using Audiophile buddy of his. The ad stated that all dealing would be with his friend via phone. COD was the only way I could buy it, so like "Elizabeth" ... 
Would anyone respond???
Elizabeth, Kitchen for storage? So how do you keep the bacon grease splatter off your Lp's? 
Any Drawbacks to COD
I have only had one UPS package come back because the person would not accept delivery. I was out of the shipping expenses, since he had a change of heart.However with all the Audioweb, & Ebay scams lately, & having heard of 2 Agon members... 
Would anyone respond???
Elizabeth, How & Where are you storing 12,000 Lp's? 
Would anyone respond???
I feel a change in Audio winds... After years of Big Balls SS amps, I feel the "Want" to play with 300B, & flea-power SET tube gear. The desire to build my own Single Driver, & Horn variety high db efficiency speakers is also present now!?... 
Would anyone respond???
IT NEVER ENDS! I'm getting close on one system, but then I'm already thinking through future steps towards building another. I even went to see my Doctor, who sent me to a Hematologist, who conquered HI-FI was just in my BLOOD! His recommendation ... 
Dogs and wobbly speakers
Ellery911, I hope that Hot Chick has Arms & Legs? As you may have given Slappy idea's on how to get women not to wobble, & run away from him with your "Lump The Dog" link? 
Dogs and wobbly speakers
Telescope_trade, I'm Fine! I just did a fast Yahoo search to find something on the lines of a review for the DK Design Amps, & there it was! See it could be worse, if WE weren't into HI-FI as a hobby? You could be like this guy, & spend th... 
B&W 802's tweeter dented invert
Isn't there an old thread where someone sucked it out with their mouth, or with a vacuum cleaner? 
Dogs and wobbly speakers
Ellery911, Poor Lump needs 4 Lee's Press-On-Limbs just to take a leak! Don't give Slappy any ideas, as I think I saw the Ginsu Knives in a block on his kitchen counter in his System pic's? "Tough Enough to Cut through a Tail, & still slice a T... 
Dogs and wobbly speakers
Slappy, I'm liking Rx8man's idea as you could also get rid of some of your Ex-Roomates/Ex-Fiance's parts this way, leaving more room in your freezer! I would use cardboard sona-tubes to pour footings for decking, instead of trash cans, & then ...