
Responses from audioconnection

Sub placement with Vandy 2CE sigs
If you were brilliant enough to get Vandy 2WQ subs you can start behind them or in the corner adjust High pass to proper input Imp on amp and then volume on each and contour to preference. Cheers John 
replace a full Cello System?
I would suggest for her to experience a well set up pair of Vandersteen Quatros......They are the smallest full range design I know of with real world performance.This speakers is known for its superb performance size factor. The Quatros offer a u... 
Ascendant verses Quatros
It would make good sense here that folks are awear of the factthat the new Vandersteen Quatro Wood Signature II not mentioned is more in line as a comparrison than the 3995 Vandersteen 3A sigs This new design is more much closer to the Vandy Five ... 
Think I blew a driver on my Vandersteens 5A
(((( Not sure a bad tube... would account for 5-6db. I have some on hand, others I would have to bring in. Thanks)))) Much more a chance of a bad tube to be the cause.Its pretty hard to blow up a vandy driver when the high pass is installed and ad... 
Vandersteen 2WQ vs Martin Logan Depth
Ig316b((JohnI agree with you I think you posted this suggestion about leveling in someone else's post, I tried it and it works wonders for the soundstage. I haven't had the chance to try it with the sub but hay what can it hurt. Thanks for the adv... 
Vandersteen 2CE or 1C for small room?
Greetings Pete Great question (((do the 1C's give me a good dose of the Vandersteen sound or are the 2CE sig II vastly superior sonic ally?)))answer to both? is yes As alway in life if you want the best you are up for a little challenge you can ex... 
Vandersteen 2WQ vs Martin Logan Depth
Glad to hear you are up and running with your 2 Vandersteen 2WQ Subs.......One other thing I would like to add The leveling of our Main speakers and 2WQ subs. Placing a level on top of speakers and check for proper Front to back and side to side l... 
Vandersteen 5a battery biased crossovers
Ion Long life type. There is a total of 8 9V batteries you must install one 9V in each X 5 High pass and also three 9v in each of the speakers Internal Modular Crossover.Make sure you are are a class act with soldering pencil as its important the ... 
$ 2500 ....Stay with Vandersteens ??...what else ?
Racks Thanks for your input FYI i think you may be the one missing out not hearing the Latest Vandersteen designs even the guy who makes your cables owns them. Cheers Johnnyr 
$ 2500 ....Stay with Vandersteens ??...what else ?
I would suggest you have Mark Obrian at Rogue Audio install the special 6DB 80 HZ Vandersteen High pass in your existing Rogue Cronus integratedNext add the a Vandersteen 2WQ this will lower the systems overall distortion while dramatically improv... 
High End Monitors
The Proac D2s and a high mass stand Work great with the Primare ampsHaving been paired at UK shows they perform great together. Cheers Johnnyr 
ARC REF 3 or MBL 5011 - what is better buy?
{{{As for now, I’m leaning towards ARC REF 3. The only thing that stops me from buying it the opinion of the Audiogon member( Guidocorona ) who seem reviewer for TAS and respected here on the AudioGon. He is stating on several occasions that Jeff ... 
Wadia 27 owners I need help
Picture the Dip as a ski slope and when you want to close say switch 2 and 4 they should bow down to the number like you are skiing down the slope to close the circuit while all others are going up hill..... Got it ? Best Johnnyr 
Anyone heard the Von Schweikert Unifield 3?
Es347 Welcome..... Sometimes we deserve the bonehead position but not you as its how we recover from our bonehead status Thanks for repairing it like a gentleman Cheers Johnnyr 
Bedroom speakers
Vandersteen 1C Great at all volumes and easy on the ears sounding especially natural with Chris Isaacs voicedue to their well designed low diffraction multi enclosurecabinet which easily outperforms any Box type design you will find under 1K. Johnnyr