Responses from audiofun
Grado Epoch 3 My experience with the Epoch shows that one needs 60dB of gain and loading of 47k ohms. | |
Phonostage comparisons griptube: I just wanted to make sure you know I’m not at all denigrating your concerns or choices, just having a little fun. I thought I was extreme and I am :) but you caught me off guard with the VTA/headshell concern. The net net is, if it’s v... | |
Phonostage comparisons I plan to add the Schroeder to my table along with the 11” and 14” 4 Points that I currently own. | |
Phonostage comparisons I personally love the Schroeder CB 1L and I would never ever own the carbon fiber version. | |
Phonostage comparisons lewm: Lignumphobia | |
Phonostage comparisons lewm: I am with you on this one. Perhaps try the arché-headshell. | |
Grado Epoch 3 Ok, I finally got to the bottom of my left channel groove wall noise. I have never experienced this before, but the issue was VTA! I adjusted all parameters and thought I had the VTA perfect. It turns out it was a little high, one full turn on the... | |
Phonostage comparisons mglik: Thank you. I have the Epoch 3 set up as follows: loading is 47k ohms, gain is 60dB and VTF is 1.854g. pindac: I agree with your break in strategey and I don't listen to components seriously without proper run-in. I uses a reverse RIAA ... | |
Phonostage comparisons lewm: Hi hope all is well. Concerning groove wall noise, it simply sounds like the stylus is touching a part of the wall where there is no encoding of infomration and I get a steady sound of dragging. As I stated previously, its more on some albu... | |
Phonostage comparisons Wturkey: You’re welcome :) mijostyn: Thank you for that suggestion! I really do appreciate the information. I’ve only been into vinyl since 2014 and while I’ve read a ton, have some of the best set up tools and have the advantage of being bud... | |
Phonostage comparisons mglik: I love the Epoch 3, it just may be the finest cartridge I’ve ever experienced. The London and the Epoch sound more alike than not but the Epoch exceeds the London in depth of stage and soundstage width. The Epoch 3 just goes further than t... | |
Phonostage comparisons Lewm: Yes, all were tested at 47k ohms. I experimented a bit with capacitance on the Teac, SPL and the iP3 BL, ending up at 100pf for the iP3 and SPL units. I don’t recall where I found the Teac to perform best but it would most likely have been ... | |
Phonostage comparisons chetatkins: I tried the Elite iPower with the iPhono 3 BL quite a while back. My findings surprised me a bit. I found that the iP3 performed better with the supplied iPower X. I also found this to be the case with the Neo Stream whereas the Zen S... | |
Grado Epoch 3 dogberry: I’m glad you’ve found a way to make your Statement 3 sound even better! | |
Grado Epoch 3 Dogberry: First and foremost, thank you for your honesty. This is why I am keen on saying that most importantly is what “you” hear and like! I was perplexed by your findings but again, your system, your tastes. Now I understand and it makes sense... |