
Responses from audiokinesis

speakers efficiency
Assuming a listening distance of about 10 feet in a semi-reverberant room, a pair of 89 dB/1 watt efficient speakers will probably produce about 87 dB at the listening position with a 1 watt input. I can go through the math behind that figure if a... 
OTL or SET? Differences?
Hi Otto,If I understand correctly, you're driving the Thiel 3.6's with your S-30. The Thiel's impedance is way below what the S-30 is comfortable with. Apparently you tried the Silverline Sonata also but it didn't have enough bass to do justice to... 
OTL or SET? Differences?
I own and sell both OTLs and SETs, and would say that they have many of the same qualities. At the risk of overgeneralizing, I'd say that OTLs tend to be a bit more lively and dynamic and SETs tend to be a bit sweeter and warmer (I can comment som... 
help me spend money-which high end speakers?
"Help me spend money..."! Geeze, that's like blood in the water to a dealer like me...Seriously, of the speakers on your list I'd recommend the Rockports. And if you don't have a Rockport dealer, I'd recommend Ultimate Audio-Video, in the Chicago ... 
Daedalus DA-1: How Good Are They?
Interesting configuration. Using two tweeters will improve the power handling and narrow the vertical dispersion, probably improving the power response relative to what you'd get with a single tweeter. I like it.A few questions for Daedalusaudio, ... 
New Company-Daber Audio
Hi Stephen,Greetings! You have now officially crossed over to the "Dark Side", and I and my fellow minions welcome you.I am inspired by the success of Ty Lashbrook of Tyler Acoustics. It looks to me like Audiogon has been his primary marketing ven... 
4 ohm speakers, 2, 4 or 8 ohm taps on amps
A multi-tapped tube amp will deliver maximum power to the speakers when the speaker's impedance is correctly matched to the appropriate output transformer tap. This may or may not be the tap that also sounds the best with that particular speaker; ... 
Zu Definition, AG Duos orCoincident Total Victory?
Of the speakers on your list, I'd choose the Avantgarde Duo, or if that wasn't possible then the Uno. 
Best monitor for under $1500?
In my opinion a good monitoring speaker has a fairly narrow and uniform radiation pattern along with a flat on-axis and off-axis frequency response (the latter being implied by the uniform radiation pattern). The SP Technology Timepiece comes to m... 
Do Physicists Or Musicians Design Better Speakers?
I'm friends with a physicist who for years was lead vocalist in a band. He now works as a professional audio consultant, mainly for prosound applications (his clientele is spread across four continents). He is very good friends with a concert pian... 
Electrostat transparency from conventional speaker
An electrostat, direct-radiator dynamic, or horn system succeeds to the extent that it reproduces the illusion of a live performance.Transparency varies more from speaker to speaker than from amp to amp or preamp to preamp. Low coloration (includi... 
I've heard 'em at CES several times. Very enjoyable speakers, well suited for long-term listening. Did not sound like boxes, and my ears did not localize them as the sound sources. Fine job by designer Adrian Butts.Duke 
Gradient Revolution
I presume you read the recent TAS review by Robert Greene. He took some measurements of the Revolution that weren't included in the article, but are available on his website. You might find them interesting: 
best speakers for vocals?
Tboooe,There is at least one electrostat that goes pretty deep in the bass.I have several customers who have measured their SoundLab A-1 or M-1 speakers as having an in-room -3 dB point somewhere in the lower 20's (lower than the factory claims), ... 
Classic speakers to hunt down used
A few large-box classics...Altec model 14 and model 19 are very good-sounding older high efficiency systems.IMF and Fried (same designer) built some very nice transmission line systems.The Snell Acoustics Type A is one of the most intelligently de...