Responses from audiokinesis
It's Magnepan 20.1's or B&W Nautilus 801's Congrats, Roy! Best of luck with your big Maggies! Keep us posted.Duke | |
Relative air humidity on electrostat performance Gpsguy -Your observations are absolutely correct.At least one practical solution is a variable bias voltage power supply. That's a feature of Sound Lab electrostats, and down here in New Orleans it comes in handy.In high humidity conditions, full ... | |
Does subwoofer + bookshelve=full range speaker? Karls, Buggtussel will do custom frequency ranges. They're a small company enough that they're quite responsive to individual needs. | |
Does subwoofer + bookshelve=full range speaker? Well said, Karls.I just happen to sell a sub that may blend even better than the RELs. It's the Tegmentum sub from Buggtussel.The Tegmentum is a transmission line sub with claimed response to 16 Hz. I can't independently verify that, but it does g... | |
It's Magnepan 20.1's or B&W Nautilus 801's Roy - First of all, I commend you on actually going out and listening, rather than just reading the latest "recommended components list". You're doing it exactly right!Tafka Steve is spot on - ultimately, one listens with the heart, because that i... | |
Why do Maggies need a lot of power? Excellent detective work, Schubertmaniac.Yup, Magnepan plays the numbers game a bit in quoting 86 dB for a 2.83 volt input. You see, 2.83 volts into 4 ohms is 2 watts, not 1 watt. One additional factor is compression. I don't have access to dynami... | |
Best speaker 3k to 4k used? You might cruise over to Greybeard Audio's site: are superb quality, and will provide very natural, fatigue-free sound. They are having a sale of their inventory because the designer, Tim Wright, has a serious heal... | |
Taming/Damping Electrostat Backwave T Bone -I'm pretty much going to say the same things Rives and Sidssp said, just in a different way. So feel free to skip over this post.Assuming the "holy grail" is to recreate the concert hall experience, let's look at what's going on in the con... | |
15K system SchubertManiac -Don't be so sure Sound Labs are out of your price range. There's a pretty good chance you could get a pair of new Millennium-2's and a very nice amp (new or used) to drive them and still have several grand left over for preamp, CD ... | |
Maggie1.6 bi-wire or single? Philojet, In my experience, bi-wiring is better than a single run of the same wire.However, I find that a single run of a significantly better wire will sound better and be more bang for your buck than bi-wiring. So in most cases I would advise up... | |
WHat about four speakers....... Mythtrip -Let's take a look at what's going on in the concert hall, and then come back and look at speakers that bring some of those elements into the listening room.In the concert hall, the direct sound from the instruments arrives first (natural... | |
Speaker that Electrostatic technology tends to excel at low-level detail due to the extremely lightweight diaphragm. I would suggest a pair of original Quad ESL's, the "57"s. They will give you very lively, detailed sound at low volume levels. A good pair will... | |
Time coherence - how important and what speakers? Soix -Thanks for pointing out my oversight! I stand corrected.Theil actually has at least two concentric drivers, one of which is a mid/tweet module (requiring a separate woofer), and one of which is a midwoof/tweet module, requiring no separate w... | |
Time coherence - how important and what speakers? First off, the participation of Jeff Joseph and Roy Johnson have made this thread among the best I've ever encountered here. Like the guy said to Einstien after one of his classes, "Before I heard your lecture, I was confused. Having heard your le... | |
Non fatigueing speaker under 1500 Jack -Angela100 brings up a good point - your amplifier. In my limited experience, the Aragon amps have generally sounded dry and edgy.Any chance you might give tubes a try?? For about a grand plus the proceeds from selling the Aragon, you could g... |