
Responses from audiokinesis

Best Way four Bass Array
@avsjerry wrote: "Sounds fascinating, I’d like to hear about those radiation patterns... Geek away.... ;)" Okay, first a bit of background: In the playback room there is a competition between two sets of ambience cues: The venue spatial cues on ... 
Best Way four Bass Array
@jeffseight wrote:  "What new products do you have in work?" I'm working on a "satellite" speaker intended to be used with subwooofers.  The emphasis is on room interaction characteristics which effectively present the venue cues on the recording... 
Best Way four Bass Array
@jeffseight wote: "I have heard DBA, Distributed Bass Arrays in two home systems that both qualify as "Best Home Sound" I have heard. I have not been in every high end home system but I have experienced some pretty good ones. Here is the outline ... 
Open Baffle Experience
In response to Kenjit's post about me above:  For the record there are two apparently very different sides to the story, but imo this thread is not the place for either side.  
Open Baffle Experience
@johnnycamp5, here are four reasons why I think the spectral balance of the reflections should be similar to the spectral balance of the direct sound: 1. Timbre is more natural when the reflections fully support the first-arrival sound. Where the... 
Open Baffle Experience
@johnnycamp5 wrote:  "I should be more specific - Are all OB open back tweeter? I thought some had forward only directivity . So the heavy drapes question was more for the mid range and bass frequencies." Yes, some open baffle speakers have rear-... 
Open Baffle Experience
@johnnycamp5 wrote: "We read in this thread a redundant dimension of about 3’ off front wall as a minimum with OB. "I wonder if less distance (approx. 2’) with heavy drapes behind might work…" Not really. Imo the issue is time delay, and you can... 
Speaker Suggestions $30K Sasha DAW competitor?
@plaw , this might be the thread @keithr is talking about:        
Starting from scratch in a large room
@deertrail7, what are the horizontal and vertical dimensions of your 24" deep shelf? The reason I ask is, in that size room adequate SPL capability and low-end air-moving capability are going to be an issue, and both of those tie back in to louds... 
Magnepan .7 Alternatives
@flasd wrote:  "Either too much treble..." "Too much treble" can be a symptom of "not enough bass". @flasd:  "Room dimensions: 11.5’ W x 12’ L... Listening Distance from Speakers 8.5’ - 9’..." This implies your Maggies are pretty close to the w... 
Raising Subs?
Imo an advantage of using more than one subwoofer is that  you can distribute them far apart and asymmetrically such that each is a different distance from the room boundaries.   The result is a significantly different room-interaction peak-and-di... 
Another HiFi Listening Room help request
@hleeid, the Magnums are sold by my colleague James Romeyn, as he lives near the cabinet shop that builds the enclosures. But I think a set would eat up too much of @bionicgiblets33’s budget. sells subwoofer kits that I design... 
Another HiFi Listening Room help request
Thank you for the mention @soix but my Swarm subwoofer system would be inadequate for this application.  IF home audio subwoofers are going to be used, Hsu Research comes to mind as offering a LOT of SPL-per-dollar. The room size AND DJ-ing use bo... 
Another HiFi Listening Room help request
Very interesting set of requirements! Prosound ruggedness and functionality and value combined with high-end audio sound quality... imo that can be done with high quality prosound drivers and attention to system design, especially regarding the ra... 
Tekton haters and bashers you just got a new target!
"... you just got a new target!" *pew! pew!* [nothing happens] *pew! pew!* [nothing] Dangit, is this thing even loaded??