Responses from audiokinesis
Can room acoustics amplify the sound of speakers? It is possible that the colorations you hear at high levels are actually present at lower levels, but are below the detection threshold. In a small room, you inevitably have lots of early-onset reflections, and in general early-onset reflections a... | |
Monitor speakers for Ayon Triton Once you set a size limit on speakers, you'll be trading off bass extension vs efficiency. If you want something significantly more efficient without giving up bass extension, you'll need speakers with a significantly bigger enclosure. Dukedealer/... | |
Flawed? Wilson's Aspherical Propagation Delay Designing decent user-adjustable crossovers would be a lot more complex than it sounds. Adjusting the array to restore the correct speakers-to-listener geometry makes a lot more sense to me.The dowsides are greater diffraction, as Shadorne noted, ... | |
Line Array Speaker vs Point Source Speaker Hce4, comb filtering in the vertical plane is dealt with by having the inter-driver spacing small in relation to the wavelengths produced, and/or using drivers that inherently have limited vertical dispersion anyway and therefore little or no over... | |
Line Array Speaker vs Point Source Speaker "Is there any inherent advantage to either of these speaker designs [Line array or point source]?" - Mitch4tThe main difference is that output from a line source or line array will fall off at 3 dB for every doubling of distance, instead of 6 dB f... | |
Flawed? Wilson's Aspherical Propagation Delay If the wavelengths at the crossover frequency are long relative to the adjustments that are made, the effect on system phase response will be negligible. Also, the adjustments may well be restoring ideal geometry for listening positions that are n... | |
Can these speakers handle Neil Young's Le Noise? Agree with the Classic Audio Reproductions speakers, but not as a particularly good match for the JC-1s unfortunately (I'm somewhat familiar with both, and with speaker/amplifier matching issues).Faugello62, assuming you don't want to change ampli... | |
subwoofer for Maggie 20.1 The biggest hurdle to good in-room bass is the room itself. The biggest thing the room does is impose a significant peak-and-dip pattern on the output of a sub due to how that sub interacts with the room modes. You can change the peak-and-dip patt... | |
high pass filter "Impedance varies greatly near resonance and is affected by enclosure loading. The rated 'nominal' impedance is estimated at 1Kohms but, in the bass, the difference can be huge." -Kr4The impedance peak(s) at system resonance will cause a simple se... | |
what type of subwoofer is good for ribbons Subwoofer design that integrates well with Maggies and Quads and such is something that I've been interested in for a long time. Briefly, after building a very wide variety of prototypes in search of a subjectively "fast enough" sub, I learned fro... | |
Hi efficient speaker, bass problems "Duke, we have all read that bass is omni-directional, and yet very often it's very easy hear where the sub-woofer is (perhaps it's because the overtones appear to come elsewhere?)." - Unsound"Bass localization is detectable indoors" - WeseixasHea... | |
Why the obsession with the lowest octave "a THERORETICAL -3db, who cares what you guess a system will do." - Acoustat6Theory is not the same as guessing; it's what designers use in the design stage. Dukespeaker designer | |
Atma-Sphere MA 1's Amps and Magnepan 1.7's I drove a pair of 3.6's with early-generation MA-2s for a while, and they sounded magnificent. I have it on good authority that the MA-1 likewise sounds wonderful on the 3.6. I don't think you'll need the Speltz autoformers. The MA-1s will almost ... | |
Why the obsession with the lowest octave I'd choose quality bass down to 40 Hz ballpark over somewhat muddy extension down into the bottom octave. An honest 40 Hz is pretty darn deep anyway.That being said, recently I built a semi-custom four-piece subwoofer system for a customer, and th... | |
Hi efficient speaker, bass problems Unsound, I don't think the ear can hear all of these lags in the bass region.That's one of the reasons bass is perceived as omnidirectional inside a room: Our time-domain resolution is so poor down there that the ear/brain system cannot tell the d... |