Responses from audiolabyrinth
Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers Hi taters, the Constellation site has the Hercules 2 stereo amplifier on there, cheers. | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Hi jwm, every dac chip I have ever owned has been from Burr-Brown, however, I believe for $13,000.000 a player should be more than 24/192 for Redbook playback, this has been around for longer than 5 year's, any cheap player does that standard... | |
Krell Kct vs ARC Reference 2 MK2 The krell | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Any one have feedback on the aesthetix Romulus Eclipse?, a lot of money for a player that has an obsolete dac!, A $900.00 phone will have a Stereo D/A converter from ESS Technology.This converter (SABRE9018AQ2M) debuted at the Consumer Electroni... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Thankyou macdude for your reply post. | |
Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers Hi taters, that is very expensive to say the least, that's the price of the stereo amplifier? , I do not understand why that amplifier would cost that, I would have one of the Dan D Agostino momentum amplifiers before I would that Constellation... | |
Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers Hi, out of curiosity, what does the Constellation Hercules 2 stereo amplifier retail for? , also, out of amazement, the Hercules 2 reminds me of my modded krell 700cx amplifier, they look a lot the same on the inside, with the exception that ... | |
Taralabs cables Happy new year, God bless America! | |
Taralabs cables I have never said anything about this, but if you look closely at my avatar, you will see the attached tags that says speaker or amplifier, taralabs doesn't supply this on the Omega gold speaker cable's, my cable's were Michael fremmer's pers... | |
Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers Audio Advisor has been around a very long time, they must be doing something right as far as business model go's, instead of trying to sale me the most expensive gear, or push gear on me , they listen to what I like, they have even recommended... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Charles1dad, I must mention why the thick fiber glass gain boxes sound best, isolation from vibrations! Plastic is terrible, metal can ring, and isolates nothing. | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hi Charles1dad, thankyou for your reply, however, hope no one here trips on what I'm about to tell you, remember when I said I tested high end receptacle's?, OK, we'll the outlet's yielded some interesting facts! , the stainless non magnetic... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hi Oregonpapa, I enjoyed reading your impressions of the quantum chips with the sr-red's fuses, we'll said, very exciting indeed, also, I like this thread, thankyou | |
Taralabs cables Hi calvinj, I tried to call you, look for my call, btw, are you using high fidelity power cable's? | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Charles1dad, you have any new feedback yet? |