Responses from audiolabyrinth
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable I agree with Melbguy1! | |
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable Has nothing to do with cost! , if my cable's cost $19.00 I would be thrilled, sadly in the real world, you get what you pay for! ,lol | |
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable LoL!, I haven't had a cheap cable in 25 years!, this is a debate that is on coming from those who have not had the privilege to listen to world class cable's!, once they do, the audio nerveversa kicks in, then you will know cable's are a component! | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Matt, btw,ask calvinj what was the best sounding system he ever listened too, likely the late great Dave Baskins system, ask calvinj what cable's he used! | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Matt, I always believed you getting world class cables would complete your journey, pm me please. | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Thankyou Guidocorona. | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Tbg,what does these high fidelity pro power cord's cost retail for 6ft? | |
Taralabs cables Making Sense of … Evolution Speaker CablesExtreme Audio Systems and Extreme Performance Cables with Low InductanceAt TARA Labs, the major design goal for speaker cables is to reduce the inductance in the cable. However, there are some high-end amp... | |
Taralabs cables I'm curious to know who are musicians that are audiogon member's, so many music lover's, you would think their would be musicians too, if so, who are you and where do you live, and what do you do or play?, would you be willing to try out a cord li... | |
Taralabs cables Sts, have you seen this new cable Taralabs is making now for musicians?,PROFESSIONAL STUDIO CABLEThis cable is made exclusively for the recording studio. *The PX silentPLUG is fantastic for this cable as it allows a musician to unplug and switch i... | |
A-B testing of cables Hi almandog, my answer to your question to all, is I have had years of success of a/be testing of cable's, I also recommend ditching the adapter!,I remember when Michael Fremer did a test on the TARA zero gold Interconnects and omega gold speaker ... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Hi Guidocorona, I enjoyed reading your professional review of the merril Veritas amplifiers,very well written I must say, thankyou, you know, Tbg-norm is a reviewer as well, cheers | |
A-B testing of cables Hi cto517, I enjoyed your post, the video was a proof, lol, I went along with the test,for years I believed women could hear high frequencies better than men, your video shared some new light into what I believe now, damn, I'm 48!, according to th... | |
Taralabs cables Sts, fair enough if you are referring to sales of your cable's, I'm intrigued of knowing what you have for audio equipment, will you share that with me? , cheers. | |
A-B testing of cables There is no such thing as neutral with anything in audio, everything has it's own flavor of sound, some artifacts are more apparent in some products than others, my opinion, when someone tells me something sounds neutral, I question how long they ... |