Responses from audioman58
Soundstage and explosive dynamics? To give the most sound advise it would be good to know first Budget,what you have amp type,wpc, preamp ,how big is your room,room treatment how far away are you sitting . | |
Ordered Visaton B200 for open baffle. Am I alone? On graphs and in real live music the most music and linear driver I feel as well as many others is the Beyma 150 TPL -H. AMT driver from under. 1000 kHz to over 23khz , for around $400 eachThere are also some super full range drivers for l... | |
Upgrading form Pass integrated amplifier to a better one Two integrated amps I have personally heard in depth a bit better then the very good Pass Labs ,are both from Denmark,The superb Virus audio ,they make 2 models. Perrota consultants I believe still is s delear for them.Gryphon another great produc... | |
Preamp Recommendation You did not mention price , SS or Tube preamp.Myself recently just got away from main stresm commercially made. I decided to try a Direct Heated Triode preamp Using premium everything ,4 pole power capacities Lundahl transformer based with multip... | |
What was the first system you heard that made you think the high end made sense 1974 my first system a Lafayette receiver,, Klipsch Heresey That came bare wood I hand stained and French waxed Nakamichi 3 head cassette deck ,and AQ wire .I was stoked.It was great mostly Made in U.S.A.,The Nackamichi cassette deck From Japan-... | |
Upgrading form Pass integrated amplifier to a better one Hello The Excellent Vitus integrated amps are very refined and detailedCheck with Anthony at Perotta consulting he may have a demo or used one .To buy on approval. Depending on budget the 100wpc pure class A model Is over $20k retail the main s... | |
Bryston or Pass Labs The 350.8 us the very latest and gas several upgrades .it us a Fantastic amp. Several things to note Nelson Pass doesnot like using fuses for a good reason,because fuses suck and are bottlenecks. He uses a breaker that is not a negative in the ci... | |
Power cord for digital stuffs? If you want a power cord that you will hear a substantial improvement with a30 day money back audition Verastarr Audio , stereotimes did a very good Review on these power cords. | |
Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K) Comments regarding Electrostats- audio doctor Way out of Touch .I own conventional Loudspeakers as well as New Martin Logan powered 24 bit DSP and room correction And powered subwoofer dual units. The purity of the stat panel and speed of Atta... | |
Help/advice with next upgrade For one you are losing tons of information with the entry level blue jeans snd beldon. I have them for a dvd setup,ok but not high end.for speaker,and interconnects. Music direct has very good Audioquest Colorado Interconnects Discontinued for ne... | |
Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K) Accurate speaker is a broad area . To my taste the new Martin Logan Renaissance Loudspeakers from the powered Dual Bass with 24 bit - DSP and room correction from mid Bass on down Is the first time I have heard seamless accurate Bass in a Elect... | |
Torus power vs the competition How about the CorePower Technologies 1200,1800 these use big transformers and a unique grounding scheme very well reviewed. | |
Power cord for digital stuffs? If you want to experience a different type of power cord well reviewed and exceptional give Verastarr Audio a call Mike gives a full 30 days satisfaction guaranteed or money back.i have not heard of one returned to date that much of a improvement !! | |
Speakers are the first piece of the puzzle One thing I can arrest to having owned a Hifi- Audio store until 07 is that audio cables are very much so overlooked as good enough.myself included. Even customers buying $40k in electronics ,not counting speakers even if money back to try decent... | |
Most transparent power amp My brothers upgraded Tenor amplifier amp $25 k range,which uses I believe small input tubes as well as big Solid state power. Is probably the most musically involving amplifier I have heard .that being said preamp, digital or turntable, as well a... |