
Responses from audiomike1

hooking up HT amp
Yes, that is exactly what I am asking.. I would use my one lone single rear channel in my Yamaha RX-z7 and my sunfire cinema grand would power the remaining 5 channels.. hence not using the "pre-amp" mode and the other amps being "on" in the yamah... 
hooking up HT amp
Anyone? Thanks for any advice! 
Review: Arcam CD 73 CD Player
I have owned this CD player for almost 2 years. I love it.. it is better than the CD section of McIntosh LD player, Oppo BDP-83 and my older Pio Elite units... It might even give the Oppo SE's a run for their money.. sounds good on just about ever... 
mcintosh laserdisc player MLD 7020
Oh yeah , Joelv, I absolutely 100% agree this Mcintosh LD player is based on the Pioneer Elite CLD-97 and the CD section runs rings around EVERY Cd player i have ever owned!! I think Mcintosh even tweaked it, because it sounds AMAZING.. no need fo... 
mcintosh laserdisc player MLD 7020
I was able to get mine from an ebay auction.. I paid about 820.00 including shipping.. they seem to go between , at least here in the states ... roughly.. 650-800.00..$USD mine was in excellent condition and had the remote and box.. i have seen so... 
mcintosh laserdisc player MLD 7020
Well.. Guess what? I got the MLD 7020 yesterday and hooked in into My samsung DLP with my Monster Silver Video M series composite cabel and monster ref 2 audio cables and it is now officially the best cd player i own.. it just sounds more "natural...