
Responses from audionutjeff

PS Audio IRSV selling
I heard the PS Audio IRSs on a visit to Boulder about 5 years ago. They were as expected, an immense soundstage, great dynamics, and huge presence. Line arrays in general are not my cup of tea, but I still enjoyed these historic and quite grand sp... 
List Of Small Company Tube Amps
@liquidsound I agree!  Their rooms are always terrific.  I have all Triode Wire Labs cables and they are excellent.  Pete, Gary, and Greg are terrific guys.   Border Patrol amps are on my 300b short list!  
List Of Small Company Tube Amps
Decware Border Patrol Berning    
One DAC to Rule it All
@koestner I have a DEQX HDP-5 that I’m planning on selling.  Let me know if you’re interested.  Thanks!   
Borresen X3
I heard the X3’s at a show and I was very impressed.  Michael Borresen is a brilliant designer but his speakers are extremely expensive.  The X3’s are exceptional at their price point.    
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
I've heard Volti's at shows a number of times and was consistently impressed -it's a great horn speaker, really a better Klipsch.  I've also heard Tekton's a number of times and was impressed from a price/performance perspective, but I don't think... 
Holo Audio May DAC
I pulled the trigger on the Chord DAVE.  It checked the boxes for design, pedigree, consistently rave reviews, descriptions of its sound fitting my needs, and really cool looks!Also a big shoutout to Scott at Verdant Audio.  A terrific dealer that... 
Holo Audio May DAC
Hchilcoat, which Lampizator model?  How do you like it?  What are you using to run Roon?  Thanks! 
Holo Audio May DAC
I use a preamp, so not a factor for me.  The Holo May is really just a really great basic DAC, no volume control/preamp (which the DAVE and most DACs), no MQA (many great DACs have it, but not Holo, Chord, Lampizator), no streaming, no DSP toys (l... 
Holo Audio May DAC
Jriggy, this is exactly my concern!  DAVE is about 5 years old.  A new version is a good possibility and I would hate to buy one and see it replaced a few months later.  Current DAVE already stretches the budget, a new one would likely be more.  S... 
Holo Audio May DAC
I am completely torn on a DAC purchase. I’ve pretty much narrowed down to the Holo May KTE or the Chord DAVE.   Both have unique, custom DACs. Neither has MQA or is Roon Ready (compromises I’ve accepted). Both have outstanding measurements and rev... 
Chord Dave
Hey guys, considering a Dave.  You all still loving yours?   
Power Amp suggestion
I would consider speakers before amps too, that may change your direction on amp selection too.  Unfortunately the B&Ws are very hungry, you need a lot of power for those.  A big Pass or McIntosh would be nice.  I think the big name Swiss bran... 
PS Audio BHK versus Benchmark
Indeed, concerned about that.  Interestingly, my BHK Pre replaced a McIntosh C2200.  C2700 is a nice piece, lots more flexibility than the BHK.  This is a crazy hobby! 
PS Audio BHK versus Benchmark
Thanks Kren, I was not aware of that.  I check in the negative column because I tend to change and experiment with different speakers.